Godfre Ray King
Saint Germain
True Visualization
is God's Attribute and Power of Sight
Acting in the Mind of Man.
From Unveiled Mysteries
By Godfre Ray King
Chapter 3, "The Royal Teton," pp. 101-108.Editor Reverse Spins: This is the fourth chapter I've posted from Unveiled Mysteries. The other three have links at the bottom of the page as well as a link to the book at Amazon.com. This excerpt is found at the end of chapter 3. Saint Germain had just taken Godfre to the Royal Teton Retreat deep inside The Grand Tetons. This is one of the oldest if not "the" oldest etheric retreat of the Great White Brotherhood on planet earth. The trip was very exhilirating for the messenger-in-training to say the least. At the end of the day, he wanted to know how one can bring a greater degree of God's energy and power down to earth. Saint Germain is known as the master alchemist. What he reveals here is true alchemy:
"Here is your breakfast," announced Saint Germain, as he handed methe Crystal Cupcontaining a clear, white, sparkling liquid. "This is both strengthening and refreshingso you will enjoy hiking homebecause your body needs the exertion and activity. I sense something in your mind which is not at ease or at least is not clear to your consciousness."
"Yes," I replied. "I have a question that has been holding my attention for some time, and it is concerning visualization. What is true visualization and what happenswhen one does visualize?"
"True visualization," he answered, "is God's attribute and Power of Sightacting in the mind of man. When one consciously pictures in his mind a desire he wishes fulfilledhe is using one of the most powerful means of bringing it into his visible, tangible experience. There is much confusion and uncertainty in the minds of many, concerning what actually happenswhen one visualizes or makes a mental pictureof something he desires. No form ever came into existenceanywhere in the universeunless some one had consciously held a picture of that form in his thoughtfor every thought contains a picture of the idea within it. Even an abstract thought has a picture of some kindor at least a picturethat is one's mental concept of it.
"I will give you an exercise by which one may develop, consciously control, and direct his visualizing activities for definite accomplishment. There are several steps to the processwhich every student can use at any and all times. The practice does bring visible, tangible resultswhen really applied. The first stepis to determine upon a definite plan or desire to be fulfilled. In this, see that it is constructive, honorable, and worthy of your time and effort. Be sure to examine yourmotivefor bringing such a creation into expression. It must be honestboth toward yourself and the rest of the world, not merely to follow a whim or gratifyappetites of the physical senses. Remember there is a vast difference between use, desire, and appetite. Useis the fulfilling of the Great Universal Law of Service. Desireis the expanding activity ofGodthrough which manifestation is constantly sustained and is Perfectionenlarging itself. Appetiteis but habitestablished by the continued gratification of the feeling natureand is but energyfocused and qualified by suggestionsfrom the outer activity of life.
"Bevery surethat there is no lurking feeling withinthat you would be glad to benefit at the expense of another. A Real studentand only such a one will get the benefit out of this kind of trainingtakes the reins into his own hands anddeterminesto discipline and consciously controlthe human self. He chooses what shall or shall not be in his world andthrough the process of picturing within his minddesigns and brings into manifestationa definitely determined plan of Life.
"The second stepis to state your plan in wordsas concise and clear as possible. Write this down. Thus, you make a record of your desire in the outer, visible, tangible world. The third stepis to close the eyes andseewithin your mind a mental picture of your desire or planin its finished, perfect condition and activity.
"Contemplate the factthat your ability to create and see a picture within your own consciousnessis God's attribute of sightacting in you. The activity ofseeingand the power tocreateare attributes of yourGod Selfwhich you know and feel is within you at all times. God's Life and Power are acting within your consciousness to propel into your outer world, the picture you areseeing and feelingwithin yourself.
"Keep reminding the intellectthat the ability to picture is an attribute of Godthe attribute of sight. The power to feel, experience, and associate with the perfected picture is God's power. The substance used in the world withoutto make the forms in your picture and plan is God's pure substance. Then you mustknowGod is the Doer, the Doing, and the Deed of every constructive form and action that ever has been sent forthinto the world of manifestation. When you thus use all the constructive processesit is impossible for your plannotto come into your visible world.
"Read your desire or plan over, as many times in the day as possible and always just before retiringbecause on going to sleepimmediately after contemplating the picture in your own minda full impression is left upon the human consciousness undisturbedfor a number of hoursenabling it to be recorded deeply in the outer activityand allowing the force to be generated and accumulatedwhich propels it into the outer experience Life. In this way, you can carry any desire or picture into your consciousnessas it entersthe Great Silencein sleep. Thereit becomes charged by God's Greatest Power and Activitywhich is always withinthe Heart of the Great Silence.
"Under no circumstancesdiscuss either your desire or the fact that you are visualizingwith anyone whatsoever. This is imperative. Do not talk to yourself about it out loudor even in a whisperfor you should realize that the greater the accumulation of energygenerated by your visualization, contemplation, and feeling the Reality of your picturethe quicker it will comeinto your outer experience.
"Thousands of desires, ambitions, or ideals would have manifested into the outer experience of individualsif they had not discussed them with friends or acquaintances. When you decide to definitely bring about an experiencethrough consciously directed visualizationyou become The LawGodthe Law of the 'One'and to whom there is no opposite. You must make your own decisionand stand back of your own decreewith all your power. It means you must take an unshakable, determined stand. To do so, know and feel that it is God desiring, God feeling, God knowing, God manifesting and God controlling everything concerning it. This is the Law of the 'One'Godand God only. Until this is fully understood, you cannot and never will get your manifestationfor the moment a human element entersyou are taking it out of God's handsand of course it cannot expressbecause you are neutralizing itby the human qualities of time, space, place and a thousand and one other imaginary conditionswhich God knows nothing about.
"No one can ever know Godas long as he considersa forceopposed to Godfor whenever he acknowledges that two forces can act, he has a resultant quality of neutralizing activity. When you have neutralizationyou have no definite quality either way. You merely have nothing orno thingin your manifestation. When you acknowledge GodThe Oneyou have only Perfection manifestinginstantlyfor there is nothing to oppose or neutralize itno element of time. So is itestablished unto youfor there is none to opposewhat God decrees.
"Conditions can never improve for anyone until he desiresPerfectionand stops acknowledginga power opposed to Godor that there is something either in or outside of himthat can prevent God's Perfection from expressing. One's very acknowledgment of a conditionthat is less than all of Godis his deliberate choice of an imperfection andthat kind of choiceis the fall of man. This isdeliberate and intentionalbecause he is freeevery momentto think whatsoever he chooses to think. Incidentallyit takes no more energy to think a thought or picture of Perfectionthan it does one of imperfection.
"You are The Creatorlocalizedto design and createPerfection in your world and placein the Universe. If Perfection and Dominion are to be expressedyou must know and acknowledge onlyThe Law of'The One.' The Oneexists and controls completely everywhere in the Universe. You are the Self-Consciousness of LifeThe One Supreme 'Presence' of the Great Flame of Love and Light. You alone are theChooserthe Decreerof the qualities and forms you wish to pour your Life into, for you are the only energizer of your world andall it contains. When you think or feelpart of your Life energy goes forth to sustain your creation.
"Cast out of mind then, all doubt or fear of the fulfillment of thatwhich you are picturing. Should any such thoughts or feelingswhich are after all but human emanations, thoughts and feelings that do not contain perfection, come to your consciousness instantly replace them by the full acknowledgment of your self and world asthe Life of God'The One.' Further than that, be completely unconcerned about itexcept during the time you are visualizing. Have no set time in your mind for resultsexcept to know there is onlynowjust the immediate moment. Take this disciplineuse itand you can manifest a resistless power in actionthat cannot and never did fail.
"Always remember you are God picturing. You are God Intelligence directing. You are God Power propelling. It is God'sYour Substancebeing acted upon. As you realize this and contemplate the fulness of it ofteneverything in the Universe rushes to fulfill your desire, your command, your picturefor it is all constructive and thereforeagrees with the Original Divine Plan for Self-Conscious Life. If the human side of us really agrees to the Divine Plan and accepts itthere can be no such thing as delay or failurefor all energy has the inherent quality ofPerfectionwithin it and rushes to serve its Creator.
"As your desire or picture is constructiveyou are God seeing His Own Plan. When God Seesit is an irrevocable decree or commandto appear Now. In the creation of this earth and system of worlds, God said'Let there be Light'and Light appeared. It did not take aeons of time to createLight. The same Mighty God is in younowand when you see or speakit is His attribute of sight and speechwhich is acting in and through you.
"If you realize what this truly meansyou can command by His Full Power and Authorityfor you are His Life-Consciousnessand it is only the Self-Consciousness of your Lifethat can command, picture, or desire a constructive and Perfect Plan. Every constructive plan is His Plan. Therefore, you know God is acting, commanding'Let this desire or plan be fulfilled now'and It is Done."
Here, Saint Germain finished speaking, and bidding me a smiling"good-bye"for the time being, disappeared from my sight. I turned my footsteps toward home, and the panther trotted close by my side. He had been fully twenty-four hours without food, and it was not long until he dashed off through the woods and disappeared in the heavy timber. I continued on my way and arrived home at eleven o'clock, spending the rest of the day trying to realizethe full import of what I had been privileged to experienceand how the entire concept of my world had changed so unexpectedly. end of Chapter 3.
P.S. To learn more about that panther go to the "David Lloyd / Shasta" link below. Editor
Other Excerpts from Unveiled Mysteries: