Egyptian Hall, Philadelphia Masonic Hall: Egyptian Hall was finished in 1889. It is decorated in the style of the Nile Valley. Twelve huge columns stand on the four sides of the room, surmounted by capitals peculiar to the Temples of Luxor, Karnak, Philae and others. The furniture also is in Egyptian style. The Worshipful Master's throne is gilded ebony; the pedestal is flanked by sphinxes. The ceiling is blue, indicative of the heavens. A solar disk is placed in the East symbolizing Aten, the god of Akhenaten. On the East wall over the chair, is the all-seeing eye of Horus. Representations of the major Egyptian gods are painted on the panels in the east. All the hieroglyphics are accurate copies from Egypt.
The Esoteric Origins of Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians
and the Lost Symbols Of Ancient Egypt"The critics can go to hell. We don't know half enough about Lord Bacon." —Frederich Nietzsche
By William C. House
Reverse SpinsIntroduction
This is Part II. Part I is a Review of Dan Brown's book The Lost Symbol:
The Lost Symbol's Missing Mysteries, Part 1. This one goes way beyond Dan.
The funny thing about Lost Symbols are —they're usually not lost. It's the souls searching for them who are lost. Those that created the symbols have moved on. They've reincarnated or possibly even ascended. They may have even created new organizations with an updated message. On the other hand, let's face it many of us aren't exactly intuitive on a daily basis, symbols can trigger responses in us that have remained dormant. The question is what do those symbols mean and how did they get there? And why do some insist on a sinister element in Freemasonry? Simply put, there is good and bad Freemasonry. One came from England and the other from Germany. There is a fair amount of confusion on the internet as a result.
First of all, Christian fundamentalists only understand one symbol, the cross or the cross with Jesus. Some tend toward fanaticism. They regard the obelisk, the pyramid, the all seeing eye etc. as an anathema. We must forgive them, for 'they know not what they see.' Theosophy and Blavatsky were the first to explain there are different evolutions or root races on the planet. The first three ascended back to God. Right now there are the 4th, 5th and 6th root races scurrying around trying to make sense of life. The 7th root race is due to embody but, is it safe for them to come now, maybe not? These root races all have different ties to religions and symbols. The 6th root race came in with Jesus. They only know him. So their opposition to the deeper mysteries is understandable.
Now, they aren't the biggest impediment to unlocking the mysteries of symbols. Mixed in with the root races are fallen angels, Watchers (known by Enoch) and a few other reprobates. They all share one thing in common, they want to steal your Light. They do this through various means: control, adulation, misdirection, confusion, to name a few. The worst might become black magicians. Many at the top of Nazi Germany elite were black magicians. They weren't fools. They may be dark but they know where the power of God can be found on earth. Hence their relentless pursuit of symbols and the esoteric mysteries. They knew about the root races and the coming of the 7th root race. They decided to usurp this and call themselves the new master race. They searched everywhere for the relics of Christianity like the Spear of Longinus. They used symbols like the swastika or sauwastika of Tibet and India but they reversed the arms. The one from the east has a natural clockwise direction. The Nazis turned it into a downward spiral. They adopted the earlier Teutonic Cross and made it their own, now called the Iron Cross. A black magician would know that a similar cross, the Maltese Cross, has an inherent connection to elevated powers. It is the symbol of Saint Germain.
So now, those who lack discernment or knowledge of the importance of symbols get confused with the stuff they see on places like Wikipedia. Then there are numbskulls like those in Hollywood who think the 2020 CPAC symbol from last summer was a Nazi symbol. Anyone one with half a brain would know that at face value, that is not the case. So something else is going on here. To call a person or a group a Nazi or Nazis when they are not, is to be ignorant of history. But more importantly there is a fundamental lack of understanding of absolute evil. To be so cavalier with this term shows that something is lacking in the core makeup of that person. The corollary is that they don't know or understand absolute good either. They are heirs to the philosophy of people like Anaïs Nin, who helped usher in the obsession with self-absorption, which morphed into pseudo-sprituality and the focus on self and the body. It's all a big pile of steaming Goop, masquerading as New Age Spirituality. I know something about this because, I'll have to admit, I read a lot of Henry Miller when I was young. Nin and Miller were very good friends. The search for the deeper mysteries and the ties to God can only be achieved by ardent striving on the Path and devotion to God. The spiritual dilettantes focus on the not-self. There, I've said enough. Let's get on to the beginnings of modern day esoteric knowledge.
Wait, one more thing before we do that. You've heard of Einstein's Unified Field Theory (still my favorite term) Quantum Theory and String Theory, well, there's a new kid on the block. "Physicists have discovered a jewel-shaped geometric object that challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental constituents of nature. [They] have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. ... The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic events in nature, may be consequences of geometry significantly advances a decades-long effort to reformulate quantum field theory, the body of laws describing elementary particles and their interactions" You can read more about it at Quanta Magazine. And what are many of the symbols of Egypt, Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians, that's right, geometric patterns, like the obelisk and the pyramids, the Sefirot, even the Rosy Cross and then there are gems and crystals used by The Count of Saint Germain. Master Adepts have always encouraged us to meditate on crystals. Science may be catching up to mysticism. These physicists feel that this new theory may reconcile the difference in particle behavior between the Quantum world and gravity. Those who have ascended know the answer because they have witnessed it first hand.
Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism
The history of Freemasonry is rich in symbolism many of which resonate at a core level. We saw in Part I that the “word” has powerful implications and its use is available to each one of us. Freemasonry might be largely a social club today, its symbols resigned to empty ritual. At one time, especially in Egypt but also in Freemasonry, their application had a divine purpose. It’s the nature of the beast, of entropy and indifference that true meanings and inherent power are lost. To give you an idea how powerful they once were, let's start at the beginning with the symbols of Egypt.
Few of us have had the recognition of C. W. Leadbeater (1854-1934), a 33° mason and early member of Theosophy:
"When I was initiated into Freemasonry in this life, my first sight of the Lodge was a great and pleasant surprise, for I found that I was perfectly familiar with all its arrangements, and that they were identical with those which I had known six thousand years ago in the Mysteries of Egypt. I am quite aware that this is a startling statement; I can only say that it is literally true. No mistake is possible; coincidence will not serve as an explanation. ..." The Hidden Life in Freemasonry
Continuing with the theme of Egypt and since I've alluded to the Theosophical Society; it is interesting to note that the original founders of Theosophy were contacted by two principle Mahatmas, M. and K.H. The latter is Koot Hoomi Lal Singh or Kuthumi. M. is Morya or El Morya. The next person in embodiment El Morya contacted after Theosophy was Nicholas Roerich. In the 1930's, he had these interesting things to say about Egypt:
"Why was the fire of lightning considered by the priests of Egypt to possess special magnetism? Was it superstition or knowledge? Why is the knowledge of the priests regarded as so very well-founded? Yet the facts, proved by research, confirm the fieriness of these teachers of Egypt. Was it not by experimental methods that the Egyptian priests arrived at the magnetism of the fire of lightning? One can imagine a specially condensed state of fiery energy during such powerful discharges. Of course, such tension may be perilous, but, properly directed, it can produce a purification of energy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 528
The singular expression which you observed on the portraits pertains to the domain of Hiero-inspiration. Already in remote antiquity this spiritual penetration was understood. In ancient Egypt portrait images were used as a means of communion at a distance. Sacred Images likewise respond to spiritual communion. But this natural manifestation should be understood simply, as one more grain of knowledge, and not as magic or sorcery. No one can draft a boundary line to limit the knowledge of the spirit. No one has such an imagination as to be able to realize where the magnitude of energy could be cut short. Hence, one should conscientiously note all the understood details of various manifestations. One must rejoice at all such realizations, because these fiery beacons lead to the Fiery World. Consequently, on such paths one should apply great vigilance. One must accept reality as it is. Not distrust nor sleepiness, but the good eye and the opened heart lead to understanding of the new manifestations of the Fiery World. Observe how much the expression of the image becomes changed, and in the course of time you can compare this with events. It is needful, of course, to carry out observations upon people who have for you a special significance, and whom you know. The manifestation of such alterations of expression was called by the Egyptians the mirror of the soul. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 269
Certainly, the Initiates of ancient Egypt knew the great law which rules the whole Universe. The Pyramid itself presents a symbol of the mountain with a broad foundation and narrow summit. Indeed, the significance of the Chamber of the manifested King and Queen is that a crowning perfection is to be expected at the approach of all Cosmic Fiery dates. It is well to remember these manifested dates. It is well to remember these ancient indications and calculations. Thus is it possible to trace how from the most ancient times cosmic dates have been affirmed. One must also pay attention to the fact that those calculations lead up to our date and time. Thus imputable is Fiery Right, which has been inscribed on all the tablets, and which has been written by the great life of the eternal Magnet. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 198
In the Mysteries of ancient Egypt there was a ritual called "The Sharpening of the Sword." The one to be tested was placed in deep darkness. He was approached by the Great Hierophant, who disclosed to him some of the Mysteries. Light illumined the Hierophant, then again everything sank into darkness. Afterward the priest designated as Tempter approached. Out of the darkness, the voice of the Tempter asked, "Brother, what hast thou seen and heard?" The tested one answered, "I was honored by the presence of the Great Hierophant." Agni Yoga (1929) - 520
The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408
In truth, Egypt was great in attainments up into the time of Solomon. And Buddha, in a certain sense, received the chalice from Egypt. Thus the foundations of Wisdom have been harmoniously molded. Certainly, the Vedas too had a connecting link with former races. Often the Covenants grow in an evolutionary manner, but sometimes due to the depth of Karma the process becomes involutionary. But, withal, there has been an order of succession, and it precisely was a manifest equilibrium of the peoples. Denial of succession is ignorance. The very quality of life, the actual realization of the path, have been founded on successiveness, as an extension into Infinity. Quite often Hierarchy is represented as being finite, and from this issue all limitations and belittlements. The magnitude of Hierarchy extends into Infinity. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 290
We well understand the nature of the East, and because of its nature one should all the more note its reverence for Our Abode. Many Ashrams were transferred to the Himalayas because the atmosphere of other locations had become intolerable. The last Egyptian Ashram was transferred to the Himalayas because of the well-known events in Egypt and the adjoining regions. At the beginning of Armageddon all the Ashrams had to be gathered together in the Abode in the Himalayas. It should be known that at present We do not leave Our Abode, and We go to distant places only in Our subtle bodies. Thus the records about the inner life of Our Abode are being revealed." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 19
We catch a glimpse here of mysteries, symbols and fiery initiations that masons aspired to. Morya himself uses the Theosophical term "The Great Architect." He says the building is eternal not static. Indeed, the mysteries of Egypt were also in Atlantis, slightly different but the same. When Atlantis sank, many teachings and focuses were transferred to Egypt among other places. Egypt and the pyramids are far older than limited minded archaeololgists suppose. It had its ups and downs including some dark periods. The thread of contact was transferred to India. Not long after the Buddha "received the chalice," Manly P. Hall makes the case that the next appearance was not far from Egypt, in Rome. While the Buddha focused on building the temple within, the mysteries of Egypt morphed into something akin to the 18th century masons in the west.
From The Lost Keys of Freemasonry by Manly P. Hall "The Adepts":
"Masonic historians have traced the origins of their Order with proper patience and diligence, if not with complete success. The disagreements of learned authorities over the descent of the operative and speculative traditions of the Craft need not be examined here. Societies of skilled artisans, addicted to those arts and sciences concerned with architecture and ornamentation, certainly have flourished from the beginning of historical time. Possibly such associations originated in the ancient practice of perpetuating the secrets of a profession or trade within families.
According to eighteenth-century Masonic tradition, Rome gathered the most eminent professors and practitioners of the arts and sciences "until they advanced to their Zenith of Glory, under Augustus Caesar, (in whose Reign was born God ' s MESSIAH, the great Architect of the Church) who having laid the World quiet, by proclaiming universal Peace, highly encouraged those dexterous Artists that had been bred in the Roman Liberty, and their learned Scholars and Pupils; but particularly the great VITRUVIUS, the Father of all true Architects to this Day.
"Therefore it is rationally believ'd, that the glorious Augustus became the Grand-Master of the Lodge at Rome, having, besides his patronizing J' truvius, much promoted the Welfare of the Fellow-Craftsmen, as appears by the many magnificent Buildings of his Reign, etc.'
After the collapse of the Roman College of Architects, the splendid tradition of the builders passed to the keeping of the great Order of Comacine Masters, which flourished during the reigns of Constantine and Theodosius. The Magistri Comacini was composed of members of the Roman collegia, who, escaping from the barbarians when they overran the Empire, established themselves on the fortified island of Comacini, in Lake Como. Here they preserved the secret traditions of architecture and the machinery of the Roman guilds. They were responsible for the development of early Lombard and Romanesque styles of ornamentation. The Comacines were divided into Masters and disciples, and were ruled by a Grand Master. Their meeting places were called Logia. They wore white aprons and gloves, and had signs, tokens, passwords, and other means of identification.
Isola Comacina, Lake Como, Itlay.
(You may recognize the landscape, several movies have filmed here including the first in the Star Wars series.)The Four Crowned Martyrs were the patron saints of the Comacine builders. These martyrs were members of the College of Architects, in Rome, during the reign of Diocletian. They had been converted to Christianity, and steadfastly refused to fashion a statue of Aesculapius. These Masters and one apprentice were tortured to death by order of the emperor. The Four Crowned Martyrs, carrying builders' instruments, were pictured or referred to in many early religious and Masonic writings, including the Regius MS The Quatuor Coronati Lodge, London, the most distinguished Masonic research group, was named in honor of these martyrs.
The Comacine Masters supplied the important link between the pagan artificers and the Christian cathedral builders. While it is difficult to prove the historical descent of an initiate Order of adept-architects, Heckethorn summarizes the situation with reasonable accuracy: "In antiquity there were corporations of architects and engineers, who undertook the building of temples and stadia; the Dionysiacs ' in Greece, the `Collegium Muriorum' in Rome were such. They were the prototypes of the associations of masons, builders, carpenters, who in the Middle Ages flourished chiefly in Germany and England. These, sometimes numbering six to eight hundred members, made contracts with monks, chapters, and other ecclesiastical authorities for the erection of cathedrals or churches. Eventually they made themselves independent of the Church, and in the thirteenth century they formed an extensive building association, originating at Cologne, and having lodges, as they called the directing members, at Strasbourg, Vienna, Cologne, and Zurich. There were other lodges, but these were the most important. They called themselves Free masons, and had ceremonies of initiation. Toward the end of the sixteenth century non-operative masons were admitted into the fraternity, who were called `accepted' Masons; they included men distinguished for learning or high position. Thus the work in the lodges became more symbolical than operative."
Assemblies of men specially skilled in architecture descended from antiquity and flourished in both Europe and Asia. These guilds of artisans were called upon whenever it was resolved to build new cities, to erect monumental structures, or to restore or enlarge shrines, temples, and palaces. Originally, these artisans migrated in groups of various numbers, according to the requirements of the occasion. They gathered wherever an elaborate architectural project was in process, and moved on to new locales when the work was finished. According to Huges, Archbishop of Rouen, numerous companies of such masons, under the leadership of a chief whom they called a prince, were traveling about Normandy restoring churches in the year 1145. He also mentioned that these artificers held an important guild union at Chartes, which was a splendid affair. ..." (pp 245-247)
These building guilds managed to gain a certain independence from a Church that sent the west into a tailspin of intolerance. The builders of Europe's cathedrals enjoyed a sense of brotherhood, structure and architectural mysteries but they lacked deep spiritual truths. The way back to the inner mysteries was through an inadvertent episode in history. We return to Morya for the clue:"They will ask, "Can the time of Maitreya create a New Era?" Answer, "If the Crusades brought a new age, then truly the Era of Maitreya is a thousandfold more significant." In such consciousness should one proceed." Agni Yoga, 1. 1929.
Richard I in Battle. Encaustic tiles (1250–60) bearing the images of Richard I Coeur de Lion, (1157–99), King of England
and Saladin (Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub) (1137–93) in mounted combat during the Third Crusade of 1191 (Battle of Arsuf).
What you will not find at the Britannica website where this picture is from, is this: King Richard was Godfre Ray King in his last life,
founder of the I AM Movement and Saladin's last life was as Mark Prophet founder of The Summit Lighthouse. Images and Era of Maitreya is still coming. But what's this, "the Crusades brought a new age?" Haven't we been taught that this era was a supreme exercise of western arrogance and a catastophic waste of lives and money? Morya does not say anywhere else what he means. I glean a couple things from his cryptic message. No.1, the Templars brought back sacred mysteries from the middle east, although today's investigators probably ascribe too much knowledge and treasure to them. Some of these Solomon/Hiramic and Egyptian influences made their way to the masons hundreds of years later. Secondly, The final battle of the Third Crusade, the Battle of Jaffa, (5 August 1192), led directly to a peace deal between England’s King Richard the Lionheart and Muslim leader Saladin that restricted the Christian presence in the Holy Land to a thin coastal strip, but ensured its survival for another century. ibid. After the Fourth Crusade (1202–1204) and the Sack of Constantinople (1204), scholars such as William of Moerbeke gained access to the original Greek texts of scientists and philosophers, including Aristotle, Archimedes, Hero of Alexandria and Proclus, that had been preserved in the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire, and translated them directly into Latin. The door to Greek philosophy, science and Neo-Platonism was flung open as a result of this peace and Islamic/Byzantine contact. Thanks to Islamic scholars and doctors such as Averroes and Avicenna, the wisdom that was Greece was saved. The crusades fascilitated a greater contact with Moslems culminating in a vast exchange of knowledge in Spain during the late 13th and 14th centuries. Great thinkers and scientists like Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, Robert Grosseteste, Peter Peregrinus and Roger Bacon benefitted greatly. The misunderstandings of Aristotle's scientific theory were brought to light. Bacon helped set the course for the science of the future. Neo-Platonism and mysticism gained a foothold. In short, the dogmatism, narrow-mindedness and superstition of the Catholic Church was about to be broken. It would take several hundred more years but the seeds were planted because of the communication that the crusades afforded.
The confluence of all these forces converged years later to impact a young lad in Paris in 1576. He was a secret son of the queen, the future author of the greatest plays ever penned, a budding scientist in the mold of Roger Bacon, and would eventually write his hopes for a utopia in The New Atlantis. And he was the catalyst for the future of secret societies, himself an enigma.
Alfred Dodd writes of him:
"We have seen that at the age of fifteen he had left Cambridge possessed of all the knowledge it had to impart. Travel and intercourse on the Continent had polished his mind, moulded his opinions, and enlarged the boundaries of his intellectual world. He had made contact with men whose breasts were the repositories of the Mysteries. He was pledged to them by vow to create "Something," a "Something" to benefit the world on educational and ethical lines. Is it conceivable that he failed them? Did the sea breezes of the English Channel drive away those poetic dreams? They did not. And a most remarkable letter which he wrote to Father Fulgentio proves that his ideals never slumbered nor slept from the day they fluttered beneath his heart. He describes what he means by his dream, The Great Instauration, and then he says:
"The Zeal and Constancy of my Mind, has not waxed old in this Design, nor after so many years, grown cold and indifferent. I remember that about Forty Years ago, I composed a Juvenile Work about these things which with great Confidence, and a Pompous Title, I called Temporis Partum Masculum or the Most Masculine Birth of Time. I am thus persuaded, because of its infinite usefulness, that it may be ascribed to Divine Encouragement.Baconiana, '" 1579, p. 200.
There is no date to this letter so the exact date cannot be told when the work was actually composed, but it was a juvenile one, written forty years previously, and it would be safe to say that Francis Bacon was about twenty-one when The Most Masculine Birth of Time was written. The work is "Lost." But its subject matter is known. It centred round the birth of males by males in a Lodge of males. It was a description of the new ethical system of Freemasonry that had been born into the world among MEN. It was Francis Bacon's newly created Secret Society... . where every Initiate is a newly-born male who comes into a new world poor, penniless, naked and attached by his cable-tow. The great teacher had indeed created something. He had modernized an old world idea. He had established an organization. He had gathered round him a band of devoted disciples to spread the cult of a system of morality. It was secret, concealed, reserved. No wonder "he lived very much like a recluse in his chambers."
This, then, is the clue. From the day he returned from France when he was eighteen years of age he had steadily gone forward quietly and secretively with his plans, Freemasonry being one branch of his unseen
labours.Now that we have found a definite clue that Francis was working at something secretive that seems to centre round a secret organization, we can get a little closer to the heart of the mystery that has hitherto baffled his cleverest editors like Messrs. Ellis and Spedding. We begin with the fact that Francis returned from the Continent afire with the thought that he had a Divine Mission, that primarily consisted in laying national and world bases for eternity, hidden foundations unknown to the masses, bases upon which posterity would build knowingly or witlessly of the identity of the architect who planned them and the superstructure. He was conscious of his powers, so conscious that though he was a modest man, ready to light his torch at any man's candle, he did not hesitate later on to write what would have been arrogant presumption on the part of others:
Francis Bacon thought thus and judged it to be for the benefit of Posterity that they should be acquainted with his Thoughts.A teacher or a preacher must have a platform and an audience. Francis had neither. Would the renowned universities of Europe listen to an unknown man, a youth of twenty? Would scholars grown grey in arts and humanities accept the dictum of an obscure dreamer that their learning was a delusion, their method a snare? Would the theologians listen to the voice of the New Teacher that religion pure and undefiled was to visit the fatherless and the widow and to keep oneself unspotted from the world? Could they be persuaded that the pivot of worship was Love which bounded all men, irrespective of race, creed or blood, in one common brotherhood? Would the statesmen of the world accept his social ideals that the serf and the slave were God's sons and Christ's brothers and that all fortunate rulers owed a duty to their weaker compatriots, promulgating laws of social and educational betterment that the nation might be lifted to higher levels?
In an age of tyranny how could he break the chains which fettered free thought and hamstrung action? How could Francis Bacon, the penniless youth of ill-omened birth, get his thoughts across the world and into the minds and hearts of men, especially those deeper ethical and spiritual thoughts which dare not be openly expressed? How could he leap the barriers of conventional caste which encircled him? The youthful Francis knew that to speak with effect he must speak from a height . . . from the Throne if possible, or from the council-chamber, or from the Bench.There were many things on which he could speak openly. There were many things which he could only whisper in the ears of his disciples, that band of brothers which he afterwards called his "SONS." The youth therefore adopted TWO METHODS, one public, the other secret. This astonishing fact, which the schoolmen have never understood or realized, is proved to the hilt by his writings which afterwards appeared. He claims to be the Teacher of a certain Order, and that his teach!ng is based on the Natural Philosophy of the Ancients.
He says that he is going "the same road as the Ancients but has something better to produce," and he also speaks of " Two methods of publishing or writing—one RESERVED, the other OPEN"; One for his disciples, the other for the multitude: One shall be "ORAL" and "TRADITIONAL," the Matter "RESERVED TO A SUCCESSION OF HANDS" being SECRET Wisdom: The other shall be knowledge that can be openly discussed in the Universities, the Marts, the Hearths of Men. Here are his own words:That the Direction be ANCIENTLY observed, though by the precedent of many vain persons and deceivers abused, of PUBLISHING Part and RESERVING Part to a PRIVATE SUCCESSION in such a manner whereby it may not be to the Taste or Capacity of ALL, but shall, as it were, SINGLE OUT and adopt his READER. [The System] is not to be laid Aside; both for the avoiding of ABUSE in the EXCLUDED, and the Strengthening of the AFFECTION in the ADMITTED. (Valerius Terminus, Ch. 18.)
To Ascend further I do forbear . . . chiefly because it would open that which in this Work I determine to RESERVE. (Ibid, Ch. i i.)One need not be a Freemason to know that this applies and can only apply to Freemasonry. "The Ancient Direction" hinted at is to be found on every Lodge Circular today. There is indeed "a strengthening of AFFECTION in the ADMITTED" Candidate for Freemasonry, which in its highest and Theosophic aspects, is not for ALL but only for those whose tastes and characters qualify them for the Craft and its Succession. We are categorically told that Francis Bacon publishes a part of his works openly and that he reserves a part. Some MS. Notes that he left, now in the British Museum, confirm this fact, and that his plans of Philosophy are matured, because he says:
With some better respect to the Egyptians, Persians, Chaldees and the UTMOST ANTIQUITY and the MYSTERIES of the POETS. To consider what OPINIONS are fit to nourish Tanquam Ansae [according to occasion] so as to GRAFT THE NEW UPON THE OLD [i.e., the Speculative Ethics of Freemasonry upon operative customs and the Mysteries]. Of the manners and Precepts touching SECRECY, TRADITION, and PUBLICATION." (From Francis Bacon's Personal Life Story by Alfred Dodd, pp. 126 - 128)
The Rosy Cross
![]() Michelino da Besozzo, Madonna of the Rose Garden, 1435. Castelvecchio Museu |
Roses are beneficial for Bliss. All helpful means should be assembled. Rose Symbolism Throughout Art History, from Art & Object May 25, 2021, by Angelica Frey; Source "The rose maintained, and actually acquired, even stronger symbolism in the Middle Ages, as color became a critical component. Red roses were symbolic of Christ's blood—and, by extension, of martyrs—and white roses of the Immaculate Conception. In the fifth century, the poet Coelius Sedulius identified Mary as "rose among thorns," while St. Bernard (eleventh century CE) described her as "the violet of humility, the lily of chastity, the rose of charity. ..." ibid |
"In a labyrinth of crumbling stone walls, of forgotten hollows carved by time and dreams, is a secret garden. Its gate is hidden ... The secrecy of the garden has been carried in the symbol of the rose, and the term sub rosa comes from an episode during the wars between the ancient Greeks and Persians when a decisive victory was planned under a rose bower. Even in modern times the emblem of the rose is hung or depicted in council chambers to indicate secrecy and discretion. But the mystery of the rose is bound up with an older and greater secret that lies at its mystic centre and points to an archetypal paradise of perfection. In its fragrant folds lies the natural symbol of promised completion, sprung forth from the garden of Eros into the warmth of the sun. Its meaning is affected by the number of its petals: the four of the cardinal points, the five of the microcosm and the six of the macrocosm, the seven-petalled of space, time and conditions of matter, while the round rose is a mandala of concentric circles leading to the solar heart at its centre. ..." Copyright © 2020. The Rose, Theosophy Trust
The Rosicrucian Rose Cross Symbol Beautiful. If I were to get a tattoo, (NOT!), it would be the Rose Cross. A wonderful representation of the Path. For one thing, Jesus is taken down from the Cross. Time to leave the via dolorosa and walk the Path of Love which the rose represents. Wherever the Blessed Virigin has appeared the scent of roses permeates the air. El Morya on the rose: " Of the pure aromas, one must prefer the rose; it contains a very lasting oil. ... I point out roses because they contain the greatest quantity of fiery energy. Thus, lovers of roses are near to fiery energy. " (Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) p. 227). And the cross itself, the vertical line represents Alpha, the horizontal, Omega. They intersect at the heart chakra which is actually pink and represented by the rose. The alchemy of Saint Germain always relies on Divine Love as the catalyst. Hence he chose this symbol. This is another symbol usurped by dark forces. The Golden Dawn claims to be in the succession of the Rosicrucians and this symbol. |
From: The Real History of the Rosicrucians by Arthur Edward Waite [1887]
"PARACELSUS [1493-1541], in the eighth chapter of his "Treatise on Metals," gave utterance to the following prognostication:--Quod utilius Deus patefieri sinet, quod autem majoris momenti est, vulgo adhuc latet usque ad Eliæ Artistæ adventum, quando is venerit. "God will permit a discovery of the highest importance to be made, it must be hidden till the advent of the artist Elias." In the first chapter of the same work, he says:--Hoc item verum est nihil est absconditum quod non sit retegendum; ideo, post me veniet cujus magnale nundum vivit qui multa revelabit. "And it is true, there is nothing concealed which shall not be discovered; for which cause a marvellous being shall come after me, who as yet lives not, and who shall reveal many things." These passages have been claimed as referring to the founder of the Rosicrucian order, and as prophecies of this character are usually the outcome of a general desire rather than of an individual inspiration, they are interesting evidence that then as now many thoughtful people were looking for another saviour of society. At the beginning of the seventeenth century "a great and general reformation," says Buhle,--a reformation far more radical and more directed to the moral improvement of mankind than that accomplished by Luther,--"was believed to be impending over the human race, as a necessary forerunner to the day of judgment."
The comet of 1572 was declared by Paracelsus to be "the sign and harbinger of the approaching revolution," and it will be readily believed that his innumerable disciples would welcome a secret society whose vast claims were founded on the philosophy of the master whom they also venerated, as a supreme factor in the approaching reformation. Paracelsus, however, had recorded a still more precise prediction, namely, that "soon after the decease of the Emperor Rudolph, there would be found three treasures that had never been revealed before that time." It is claimed that these treasures were the three works which I proceed to lay before my readers in this and in the two succeeding chapters. "
I have written elsewhere on the comet or supernova of 1572. The bottom line is that a sign appears in the heavens when a Master Adept is about to be born. It happens about every 800 years. At this time period it was Francis Bacon. You can read about it here. FYI: The Great One before Bacon was Padmasambhava. And 800 years before before him, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This important discovery would not happen till the advent of the artist Elias.
"That this 'Elias the Artist' was Francis Bacon has been made clear by many others who knew the secret, and who also know that he was the true Fra. Christian Rose Cross, the 'Father' of the Rosicrucian fraternity which announced its existence publicly in the early 17th century, For eample, Robert Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (1621 edition) associates Elias the artist and Fra. C.R.C, the Theophrastian Master of the Rosicrucian Fraternity and Francis Bacon, the Instaurator of all arts and sciences, as one perosn and alive in 1621:- ... Thomas Vaughan, mystic, writer and publisher of several famous alchemical works under the pseudonym 'Eugenius Philaletes,' and of an Englsih version of Fama and Confessio of the Rosicrucians, declared (according to A.E. Waite) that "problematical personage" to have been born already into the world, and that "the entire Universe is to be transmuted and transfigured by the science of this Artist into pure mystical gold of the Spiritual City of God, when all currencies have been destroyed." Francis Bacon Herald of the New Age, by Peter Dawkins, pp. 51 & 52.
El Morya on the great Servitors such as Paracelsus and Thomas Vaughan.
"Great Service has called forth everywhere much misunderstanding. To people it usually has the aspect of something unattainable. They hope that responsibility for such Service will pass them by. But let us reflect upon certain great Servitors. Let us see if They were unapproachable supermen. Pythagoras and Plato and Boehme and Paracelsus and Thomas Vaughan were men who bore their lamps amidst their fellowmen in life under a hail of non understanding and abuse. Anyone could approach them, but only a few were able to discern the superearthly radiance behind the earthly face. It is possible to name great Servitors of East and West, North and South. It is possible to peruse their biographies; yet everywhere we feel that the superearthly radiance appears rarely in the course of centuries. One should learn from reality. Let us not link ourselves with the vilifiers of Plato and the persecutors of Confucius. They were oppressed by citizens who were considered the pride of the country. Thus has the world raised its hand against the great Servitors. Be assured that the Brotherhood formed by Pythagoras appeared dangerous in the eyes of the city guard. Paracelsus was a target for mockery and malignance. Thomas Vaughan seemed to be an outcast, and few wished to meet with him. Thus was the reign of darkness manifested. Of course darkness, too, has its own laws. The dark ones watch intently a "dangerous" Great Service. Let us apply examples of the past to all days of life." Brotherhood, p. 175. 1937
This bears repeating: "everywhere we feel that the superearthly radiance appears rarely in the course of centuries. One should learn from reality. Let us not link ourselves with the vilifiers of Plato and the persecutors of Confucius." They are not valued at the time they walked amongst us. Today, you can replace Plato and Confucius with names like Columbus, Shakespeare, Adam Smith and George Washington. Their memory, their history and all that they did to rise all of us up to the 'Spiritual City of God,' is being destroyed TODAY by cancel culture, revisionist history, critical race theory, wokeness, etc. "They were oppressed by citizens who were considered the pride of the country." Stop. Ponder that for a moment.
They are even going after Isaac Newton. C'mon, SIR ISAAC NEWTON? ‘White Saviour’ Isaac Newton Benefited from ‘Colonial-Era Activity’, Claims University: Report "The grandfather of modern physics, Sir Isaac Newton, has become the latest target of the woke mob in the push to “decolonise the curriculum”, as Sheffield University is reportedly set to contextualise lessons on Newton with claims about him benefiting from “colonial-era activity.” Breibart, 4/27/21. Sheffield Univ? Never heard of it and I doubt we will ever again.
Next up. They'll probably go after his Wilkipedia page. Maybe this Wikipedia page will escape scrutiny, Isaac Newton's Occult Studies. "Perhaps the movement which most influenced Isaac Newton was Rosicrucianism.[41] Although the Rosicrucian movement had caused a great deal of excitement within Europe's scholarly community during the early seventeenth century, by the time Newton had reached maturity the movement had become less sensationalized. However, the Rosicrucian movement still would have a profound influence upon Newton, particularly in regard to his alchemical work and philosophical thought." Bold is mine.
But for now, hopefully books like the one to the right are safe—until they go out of print! Perhaps Sheffield Univ. and the Woke Mob will be subject to the Laws of Karma or as Sir Isaac Newton put it: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
The Spanish philosopher George Santayana famously said: “Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.” The canceling of history has accelerated. We stand on the precipice at this moment in history. Great civilizations have risen. And in many cases the mob has torn them down. The mob is back. This time they have the media, corporations, politicians aiding and abbeting them. The dark forces are watching intently. They are ready to pounce on the great Servitors of Light whenever they appear. It would be a catastophic loss to lose all that Francis Bacon has given many lives to create. His plan has yet to be realized. It is a work in progress. The level of Spirituality we achieve is the ulimate answer, otherwise 'the reign of darkness will manifest.'
You think it's not happening now? It happened at the height of Greece's enlightenment and power. How many people saw it coming? Note: Jesus had an embodiment at this time.
El Morya: "Now let us examine another path, that of the intellectual leader, the leader in creativeness, after whom a whole century of the highest achievements is named. We refer to the Age of Pericles, an era that is associated with the most refined manifestations. Science and creative power characterize this era. Pericles knew recognition and also the blows of Fate. He was surrounded by the finest intellects of his time, philosophers who left to humanity the legacy of an entire age of thought. The Great Pilgrim (Jesus) was a friend to Pericles, and highly approved of this unforgettable and brilliant era of knowledge and beauty. It is interesting to note how the finest spirits are brought together, so that later they may meet on the field of labor. One should watch attentively the accumulation of diverse qualities that will lead to creative work on a world scale." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165.
El Morya: "Urusvati knows how people filled with hate will attempt to destroy even the indestructible! There was a time in Athens when heralds officially proclaimed that those citizens who dared even to utter the names of Pericles, Anaxagoras, Aspasia, Phidias, and their friends would be driven into exile. The mobs, urged on by officials, demanded the destruction of the statue of Zeus, because it reminded them of the despised Phidias. If the names of these accused were found in manuscripts, the fearful citizens hastened to burn the writings, regardless of their value. Those who were particularly cautious even avoided passing by the houses of the accused citizens. The sycophants rushed to write epigrams describing in insulting terms the downfall of Pericles. Anaxagoras was depicted as an ass braying in the public square. And the circumstances surrounding the death of Socrates are known to everyone. The Thinker (Plato) said, "We know the names of Pericles, Anaxagoras, Aspasia, and Phidias, but not the names of the judges who condemned them. We remember the statues by Phidias, but not those who wanted to destroy them. We might hope that this shame of humanity has taken place for the last time in history, but I fear that such a hope is only a dream. "Man is a social animal, but human herds do not know how to graze in peace, and do not realize that horns should be used only in defense. Even a bull can be an example of decency. May thought direct humanity toward the Infinite." The Thinker also said, "The Guides are concerned about the preservation of Beauty." Phidias was cast into prison, and by this act humanity cast itself into darkness. People are amazed at their cruel fate, but have they not earned it themselves? "O, government authorities, O, persecutors of Truth, your names have faded away, but your burden has become heavy. Only recently We met a leper who does not remember what truth he had reviled." Thus warned the Thinker, and each one of Us, at certain times and in Our own way, has uttered the same words. People do not like to listen to those ideas that they have decided beforehand not to accept. In the cruel hour of fratricidal strife people invoke the name of Christ, and false witnesses take oaths on the most sacred objects. Such irreverence is all the more blasphemous. People are not afraid to utter a false oath or to ridicule the faith of others. They always find time for criticism and slander, but they have no time for labor. They may at times think about community, but do not know how to cooperate, even in their daily life. Truly, Urusvati knows that it is impossible to destroy the indestructible." Supermundane I, 196.
Saint Germain was the guiding force behind the founding of America for several reasons, but foremost was to bring about a spiritual revolution on earth. Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism was the first foray into this endeavor. The climate of hate is back just as the Master M. warns above. Dark forces in embodiment and on the astral plane have limited time and limited resources to create havoc. I suspect this is the time they have decided to go "all in."
OK, I just had to get tht off my chest. Enough of Cancel Culture and the Woke Mob, back to Paracelsus' prophecies, all of which happened after he died.
I had not heard or maybe I just didn't notice the second part of Paracelsus' prophecy before writing this, that "soon after the decease of the Emperor Rudolph, there would be found three treasures that had never been revealed before that time." The Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph of Prague (1576–1612) was a fascinating person. He made Prague the metaphysical/esoteric capitol of the known world. He invited John Dee there.
"In the 16th century, Emperor Rudolph II of Prague made a very expensive impulse buy. You see, the emperor had a weakness for all things occult and esoteric, especially the revered Doctor Mirabilis, Roger Bacon. So when the renowned polymath and Baconian book collector John Dee came to visit with his mysterious manuscript, the emperor simply couldn’t resist. In 1586, Doctor John Dee was making his way through Prague to see the Holy Roman Emperor in order to pass on religious warnings angels had told him via a crystal ball. Dr. Dee, an alchemist, book collector, cryptologist, part-time spy, and more, supposedly stopped by Rudolph’s palace and sold him what we now know as the Voynich Manuscript for the price of 600 ducats. Technically we don’t know for sure that Dee was the seller, he but there is a record that he was in Bohemia in 1586 with 630 ducats to his name, was known for collecting Baconian manuscripts, and owned “a booke…containing nothing butt Hieroglyphicks”. Most scholars feel this is circumstantial but sufficient evidence to name Dee as the seller. A letter found in the manuscript confirms that Rudolph did indeed acquire the book for 600 ducats, which was no small change. ..." from Historicaly Strange.
For centuries, many considered Roger Bacon the author of the Voynich Manuscripts. But that has since been shown to be wrong. It has been proven to have been written some time in the early 1400's by carbon dating. Strangely enough this is when Christian Rosenkreutz lived. Hmmmm ...
But I digress, I thought you might find it interesting that none other than C.R.C. may have written The Voynich Manuscript, still the most mysterious doument ever found.
So, right around the time of Rudolf's death, the three foundational texts of Rosicrucianism are released just as Paracelsus predicted There is the Fama Fraternitatis around 1610. Then there was Confession Fraternititas aound 1615. The final one is The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkreutz which came out in 1616. Arthur Waite, you just read, called them, "The Universal Reformation of the Whole Wide World." That is quite a mouthful and a lot to live up to. However, nothing is impossible when considering the life of one who has an extraordinary connection to cosmic spiritual forces both above and within. We speak of course of the soul of Francis Bacon.
The author of The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkreutz was supposedly Johann Valentine Andreae. He said he wrote it as a youth before the later two came out. But he also denied he ever wrote it at all. These years are some of the most prolific years of Sir Francis Bacon. In 1611, Bacon oversaw what is considered to be the best Englsih translation of the Bible. "The first edition of the King James Bible, which was edited by Francis Bacon and prepared under Masonic supervision, bears more Mason's marks than the Cathedral of Strasburg." -Manly P. Hall, from a lecture Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins 1929.
Is it not more likely that a young Fancis Bacon wrote The Chymical Marriage? It may seem unlikely that a lad of 18 or younger could conceive and implement the beginnings of a vast movement. But this was no ordinary boy. He was given the finest education. Three hundred fifty years earlier Roger Bacon went to Oxford at the age of 13. Accelerated learning is not a modern phenomena, in fact, the opposite is the case. In France, Francis was initiated into the mysteries of the Templars. His horizons were opening. His vision of the future encompassed not only inner and outer teachings mentioned above, but also included an additional mystical group that would be more devotional and Christian than the Freemasons.
Here is Mrs. Henry Potts from Francis Bacon and His Secret Society:
"Bacon, as we have seen, was not fifteen years old when he conceived the thought of founding a new system for the advancement of knowledge, and for the benefit of humanity. The Rosicrucian manifestoes inform us that the founder of the society, and the writer of one of the most important documents, The Chymical Marriage, was a boy of fifteen. .
Mr. Waite observes, naturally enough, that the knowledge evinced by the writer of the paper in question, of the practices and purposes of alchemy, must be impossible to the most precocious boy. But in mind. Francis Bacon never was a boy. Some men, he said, were always boys, their minds never grew with their bodies, but he reflected, evidently thinking of himself in relation to others, that " All is not in yeares, somewhat also is in houres well spent. "1 Never had he been " idle truant, omitting the sweet benefit of time," but rather had, like Proteus, "for that's his name,"
"Made use and fair advantage of his days,
His years but young, but his experience old;
His head unmellowed, but his judgment ripe !"
(Two Gentlemen of Verona)Wonderful as it is, improbable as it would appear, did we not know it to be the case, the fact remains, that at the age of fifteen Francis Bacon had run through the whole round of the arts and sciences at Cambridge, had outstripped his tutors; and had left Cambridge in disappointment and disgust, finding nothing more to learn there. He did not wait to pass a degree, but, practically, it was acknowledged that he had more than deserved it, for the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him some time afterward.
How he spent the next year is not recorded by his biographer, but another R. C. document, the Fama Fraternitatis, throws a side-light upon the matter. In this paper, full as all these Rosicrucian manifestoes are of Bacon's ideas and peculiarities of expression, we read that " the high and noble spirit of one of the fraternity was stirred up to enter into the scheme for a general reformation, and to travel away to the wise men of Arabia." This we interpret to mean that, at this time, the young philosopher was entering his studies of Rhazis, Avenzoar, Averroes, Avicenna, and other Arabic physicians and " Hermetic" writers, from whom we find him quoting in his acknowledged, as well as in his unacknowledged, writings.
At this time, the Fama informs us, this young member was sixteen years old, and for one year he had pursued his course alone.
What is this likely to mean but that, having left college, he was pursuing his advanced studies by himself? It seems almost a certainty that at this period he was endeavouring, as so many other ardent minds have done, to get at a knowledge of the first causes of things. How could he better attempt to achieve this than by going back to the most ancient philosophies in order to trace the history of learning and thought from the earliest recorded period to his own times ?
We shall presently have occasion to show the immense influence which the study of the occult philosophies of India, Persia, Arabia, and Egypt had upon the mind and writings of Francis Bacon, and how he drew from them the most, elementary and universal symbols and emblems which are the foundations of Freemason language and hieroglyphics. But there is another particular which especially links Bacon with the whole system of Rosicrucianism, and this is that very matter of making collections or dictionaries which we spoke of in the last chapter. Now, this was not only one of the ostensible objects of the fraternity, but also the ostensible object of Francis Bacon. He claims the idea as his own, and declares that neither Aristotle nor Theophrastus, Dioscorides or Pliny, and much less any of the modern writers, have hitherto proposed such a thing to themselves. Spedding says Bacon would have found that such a dictionary or index of nature as he contemplated in the Novum Organum must be nearly as voluminous as nature herself, and he gives the impression that such a dictionary was not attempted by Bacon. Here, as will be seen, we differ from this admirable biographer, and believe that Bacon did organise, and himself commence, such a system of note-taking, alphabetising, collating, " transporting," etc., as by the help of " his twenty young gentlemen," his able pens, devoted friends in every corner of the civilised world, and especially from the Illuminati, Rosy Cross brethren, and skilled Freemasons, to produce, within a few years, that truly cyclopedian mass of books of reference, which later writers have merely digested or added to.
Bacon claims as his own the method by which this great deficiency is to be supplied.
Behold, then, the author of the Fama Fraternitatis making a precisely similar claim :
" After this manner began the Fraternity of the Rosie Cross—first by four persons only, and by them was made the Magical Lannage and Writing with a large Dictionary."
May not the sentence just quoted help somewhat to account for the extraordinary likeness, not only in ideas, but in words, of books, scientific and historical, which appeared before the publication of the great collections? Is it possible that copies or transcripts may have been made from Bacon's great manu script dictionaries by those who would, with his ever-ready help, proceed to " make" or " produce" a book? Were such budding authors (Rosicrucians) allowed to come under his roof to write their books, and use his library and his brains? —questions at present unanswerable, but to be answered. ..."
"The Polish Rider" by Rembrandt. Rudolph Steiner believed this to be Christian Rosenkreutz. Coincidentally,
Mark Prophet had this painting hanging on the wall at their Center in Colorado Springs.Was Christian Rosenkreutz a real person?
Yes Mr. Potts, some of those answers are coming to light. Since quoting the above from Mrs. Potts I have come upon some new information that has changed my mind regarding the origins of Rosicrucianism. In some unpublished remarks of Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, they both stated that Saint Germain was Christian Rosenkreutz. Mark said it first. ECP said it again in 1996. Now it is possible, since Saint Germain was Sir Francis Bacon, that they meant Bacon wrote the Rosicrucian texts. But they didn't clarify that, they said he was Rosenkreutz.
Manly P. Hall did not believe Christian Rosenkreutz was a real person. On the other hand, the more intuitive Rudolph Steiner did. In fact, to his credit, Steiner recognized that the Count of Saint Germain is the avatar for the Aquarian Age. Other than an inner confirmation, the only proof he offers is the decorations and artwork in Karlštejn Castle outside of Prague built by Charles IV (1347-1378). Many, he says were inspired by Rosicrucian principles.
Picture: St. Catherine's Chapel, Karlštejn Castle
"Karlštejn was assigned a special mission: it was not really meant as defence against the enemy, but rather as the treasury-depository of the most valuable relics of the Holy Roman Empire and of the kingdom of Bohemia. The magnificent decorations of both the castle's secular quarters and its sanctuaries were fully in line with this noble task: they expressed the extremely complex spiritual ideas, to which Charles and his close advisors gave life at Karlštejn." from the book cover flap: Magister Theodoricus, Court Painter of Emperor Charles IV.
"What impresses one at once when visiting the castle is the interior decoration. The adornment of the walls in the various chapels to be found in the castle, with their quantities of semi-precious stones and gold, the way the light is diffused through these semi-recious stones , lead one to conclude that Charles IV knew about the powers of precious stones and of gold. The small Chapel of St. Catherine, for example, is a veritable gem. The entire walls up to the ceiling are inlaid with semi-precious stones such as amethyst, jaspar, cornelian and agate, while the cross-vaulting above has a blue background adorned with roses, according to Rosicrucian motif." A Christian Rosenkreutz Anthology by Paul M. Allen. P. 478
This is the time period Rosenkreutz could have visited Prague after his trip to the Middle East. He would have known that Charles IV would be receptive to metaphysical knowledge out of the middle east. Saint Germain is known as the master alchemist. His use of gems and crystals is well known. Amethyst is his favorite because it focuses the violet flame. He would have encouraged Charles to decorate St. Catherine's Chapel with gems and crystals.
In Wikipedia's page on Christian Rosenkreutz there is this: "Some occultists including Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel[5] and (much later) Guy Ballard, have stated that Rosenkreuz later reappeared as the Count of St. Germain, a courtier, adventurer and alchemist who reportedly died on 27 February 1784." I have looked for Guy Ballard's quote (a.k.a. Godfre Ray King) but so far have not been able to find it.
Now, you Steiner fans out there, and there are many, put the following on a shelf for further contemplation. Mark and Elizabeth Prophet said that Steiner was 97% right in everything he brought forth. To give you some sense of comeasurement, they said Edgr Cayce was 65% correct in the information he gleaned from his readings. Most of us take Cayce's readings pretty seriously, but he did not even approach the accuracy of Steiner. So this gives great credence to Steiner's belief that Christian Rosenkreutz was a real person. Here's the rub, the Prophets said that the remaining 3% are beliefs that can make one inadvertendly stray from the Spiritual Path. The only thing I know about that is that ECP did not care for Rudolph Steiner's view of how children should be brought up. There is probably more but I don't know what it is and I'm not really interested in pursuing it.
The last clue on the life of Christian Rosenkreutz.
Saint Germain was Roger Bacon (1214-1292). He was also Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). That is a huge gap between embodiments, 159 years, plenty of time to rembody in the 14th century and early 15th century when C.R.C. traveled to the middle east. In addition, the life experiences he had as Bacon, would have compelled him to return on a secret mission. The Albigensian Crusade took place from 1209 to 1229, overlapping Bacon's early life. As you probably know it was a heinous attack on the Cathars. The final attack upon the Knights Templar happened early in the 14th century probably around the time Christian Rosenkreutz was born. He would have been aware of the the Catholic Church's and some of the Kings of Europe's attacks on Christian Mysticism, Hermeticism, the belief in reincarnation, etc.
Also, Roger Bacon is considered the Father of Modern Science. He had help of course, as many avant garde luminaries do. Robert Grosseteste was an intellectual giant, a scientist and saintly man in his own right. He was there at Oxford when the young Bacon arrived at the tender age of 13. Later in life, Bacon was not happy with the thinkers, philosphers and "scientists" of his day. Men like Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas were relying on translations coming out of Spain. They were incomplete pictures of Aristotle, Plato, Greek histories and advancements. Roger took it upon himself to learn all the original languages. He pointed out where scholars of the day were wrong about Aristotle and others. During this time, as a Franciscan monk, Bacon was afforded the protection of Pope Clement IV. When he died, Bacon lost the support of the next Pope. Much of Roger Bacon's work was lost as a result. It is probably buried somewhere in the catacombs of the Vatican. The soul of Saint Germain learned a valuable lesson in that life: You cannot trust Kings and Popes with manuscripts and teachings that threatened the status quo!
So, it would have been his goal as C.R.C. to seek the original source of the mystical teachings in the Middle East—AND KEEP THEM SECRET! If there are any faults that Roger and Francis Bacon might of had, it is that they were almost too secretive. Both of them learned the use of ciphers. Francis Bacon was so good at it, that even to this day people don't realize that he was Queen Elizabeth's son and that he wrote the Shakepearean plays.
During the life of Roger Bacon, it is believed that a couple initiates on the Path escaped the Albigensian Crusade. They made their way to Germany and eventually helped mold the early life of Christian Rosenkreutz. We'll leave it up to the skeptical Manly P. Hall to take up the story from here.
Manly P. Hall on the Legend of C.R.C. From his Secret Teachings of All Ages. Chapter: The Fraternity of the Rose Cross, The First Postulate.
" ... Intelligent consideration of the origin of Rosicrucianism requires a familiarity with the contents of the first and most important of its documents. The Fama Fraternitatis begins with a reminder to all the world of God's goodness and mercy, and it warns the intelligentsia that their egotism and covetousness cause them to follow after false prophets and to ignore the true knowledge which God in His goodness has revealed to them. Hence, a reformation is necessary, and God has raised up philosophers and sages for this purpose.
In order to assist in bringing about the reformation, a mysterious person called "The Highly Illuminated Father C.R.C.," a German by birth, descended of a noble family, but himself a poor man, instituted the "Secret Society of the Rose Cross." C.R.C. was placed in a cloister when only five years of age, but later becoming dissatisfied with its educational system, he associated himself with a brother of Holy Orders who was setting forth on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. They started out together, but the brother died at Cyprus and C.R.C! continued alone to Damascus. Poor health prevented him from reaching Jerusalem, so he remained at Damascus, studying with the philosophers who dwelt there.
While pursuing his studies, he heard of a group of mystics and Qabbalists abiding in the mystic Arabian city of Damcar. Giving up his desire to visit Jerusalem, he arranged with the Arabians for his transportation to Damcar. C.R.C. was but sixteen years of age when he arrived at Damcar. He was received as one who had been long expected, a comrade and a friend in philosophy, and was instructed in the secrets of the Arabian adepts. While there, C.R.C. learned the Arabic tongue and translated the sacred book M into Latin; and upon returning to Europe he brought this important volume with him.
After studying three years in Damcar, C.R.C. departed for the city of Fez, where the Arabian magicians declared further information would be given him. At Fez he was instructed how to communicate with the Elementary inhabitants [probably the Nature spirits], and these disclosed to him many other great secrets of Nature. While the philosophers in Fez were not so great as those in Damcar, the previous experiences of C.R.C. enabled him to distinguish the true from the false and thus add greatly to his store of knowledge.
After two years in Fez, C.R.C. sailed for Spain, carrying with him many treasures, among them rare plants and animals accumulated during his wanderings. He fondly hoped that the learned men of Europe would receive with gratitude the rare intellectual and material treasures which he had brought for their consideration. Instead he encountered only ridicule, for the so-called wise were afraid to admit their previous ignorance lest their prestige be impaired. At this point in the narrative is an interpolation stating that Paracelsus, while not a member of the "Fraternity of the Rose Cross," had read the book M and from a consideration of its contents had secured information which made him the foremost physician of mediæval Europe.
Tired, but not discouraged, as the result of the fruitlessness of his efforts, C.R.C. returned to Germany, where he built a house in which he could quietly carry on his study and research. He also manufactured a number of rare scientific instruments for research purposes. While he could have made himself famous had he cared to commercialize his knowledge, he preferred the companionship of God to the esteem of men.
After five years of retirement he decided to renew his struggle for a reformation of the arts and sciences of his day, this time with the aid of a few trusted friends. He sent to the cloister where his early training had been received and called to himself three brethren, whom he bound by an oath to preserve inviolate the secrets he should impart and to write down for the sake of posterity the information he should dictate.
From Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer. It is said of this cross that it is made of spiritual gold and that each Brother wears it upon his breast. It bears the alchemical symbols of salt, sulphur, and mercury; also a star of the planets; and around it are the four words FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, and PATIENCE. The double-headed eagle, or Phœnix, subtly foreshadows the ultimate androgynous state of the human creature. Rosicrucian alchemy was not concerned with metals alone. Man's own body was the alchemical laboratory, and none could reach Rosicrucian adeptship until he had performed the supreme experiment of transmutation by changing the base metals of ignorance into the pure gold of wisdom and understanding. |
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These four founded the "Fraternity of the Rose Cross." They prepared its secret cipher language and, according to the Fama, a great dictionary in which all forms of wisdom were classified to the glorification of God. They also began the work of transcribing the book M, but found the task too difficult because of the demands of the great numbers of sick who came to them for healing.
Having completed a newer and larger building, which they called the "House of the Holy Spirit," they decided to include four new members in the Fraternity, thus increasing the number to eight, seven of whom were German. All were unmarried. Working industriously together, they speedily completed the arduous labor of preparing the documents, instructions, and arcana of the Order. They also put the house called "Sancti Spiritus" in order.
They then decided to separate and visit the other countries of the earth, not only that their wisdom might be given to others who deserved it but also that they might check and correct any mistakes existing in their own system. Before separating, the Brethren prepared six rules, or by-laws, and each bound himself to obey them. The first rule was that they should take to themselves no other dignity or credit than that they were willing to heal the sick without charge. The second was that from that time on forever they should wear no special robe or garment, but should dress according to the custom of the country wherein they dwelt. The third stated that every year upon a certain day they should meet in the "House of the Holy Spirit," or, if unable to do so, should be represented by an epistle. The fourth decreed that each member should search for a worthy person to succeed him at his own demise. The fifth stated that the letters "R.C." should be their seal, mark, and character from that time onward. The sixth specified that the Fraternity should remain unknown to the world for a period of one hundred years.
After they had sworn to this code five of the Brothers departed to distant lands, and a year later two of the others also went their way, leaving Father C.R. C. alone in the "House of the Holy Spirit." Year after year they met with great joy, for they had quietly and sincerely promulgated their doctrines among the wise of the earth.
When the first of the Order died in England, it was decided that the burial places of the members should be secret. Soon afterward Father C.R.C. called the remaining six together, and it is supposed that then he prepared his own symbolic tomb. The Fama records that none of the Brothers alive at the time of its writing knew when Father C.R.C. died or where he was buried. His body was accidentally discovered 120 years after his death when one of the Brothers, who possessed considerable architectural skill, decided to make some alterations in the "House of the Holy Spirit." [It is only suspected that the tomb was in this building.]
While making his alterations, the Brother discovered a memorial tablet upon which were inscribed the names of the early members of the Order. This he decided to transfer to a more imposing chapel, for at that time no one knew in what country Father C.R.C. had died, this information having been concealed by the original members. In attempting to remove the memorial tablet, which was held in place by a large nail, some stones and plastering were broken from the wall, disclosing a door concealed in the masonry. The members of the Order immediately cleared away the rest of the débris and uncovered the entrance to a vault. Upon the door in large letters were the words: POST CXX ANNOS PATEBO. This, according to the mystic interpretation of the Brethren, meant, "In 120 years I shall come forth."
The following morning the door was opened and the members entered a vault with seven sides and seven corners, each side five feet broad and eight feet high. Although the sun never penetrated this tomb, it was brilliantly illuminated by a mysterious light in the ceiling. In the center was a circular altar, upon which were brass plates engraved with strange characters. In each of the seven sides was a small door which, upon being opened, revealed a number of boxes filled with books, secret instructions, and the supposedly lost arcanum of the Fraternity.
Upon moving the altar to one side a brass cover was disclosed. Lifting this revealed a body, presumedly that of C.R.C., which, although it had lain there 120 years, was as well preserved as though it had just been interred. It was ornamented and attired in the robes of the Order, and in one hand was clasped a mysterious parchment which, next to the Bible, was the most valued possession of the Society. After thoroughly investigating the contents of the secret chamber, the brass plate and altar were put back in place, the door of the vault was again sealed, and the Brothers went their respective ways, their spirits raised and their faith increased by the miraculous spectacle which they had beheld.
The document ends by saying in effect, "In accordance with the will of Father C.R.C., the Fama has been prepared and sent forth to the wise and learned of all Europe in five languages, that all may know and understand the secrets of the august Fraternity. All of sincere soul who labor for the glory of God are invited to communicate with the Brethren and are promised that their appeal shall be heard, regardless of where they are or how the messages are sent. At the same time, those of selfish and ulterior motives are warned that only sorrow and misery will attend any who attempt to discover the Fraternity without a clean heart and a pure mind."
Such, in brief, is the story of the Fama Fraternitatis. Those who accept it literally regard Father C.R.C. as the actual founder of the Brotherhood, which he is believed to have organized about 1400. The fact that historical corroboration of the important points of the Fama has never been discovered is held against this theory. There is no proof that Father C.R.C. ever approached the learned men of Spain. The mysterious city of Damcar cannot be found, and there is no record that anywhere in Germany there existed a place where great numbers of the halt and sick came and were mysteriously healed. A. E. Waite's The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry contains a picture of Father C.R.C. showing him with a long beard upon his breast, sitting before a table upon which burns a candle. One hand is supporting his head and the other is resting the tip of its index finger on the temple of a human skull. The picture, however (see plate at head of chapter), proves nothing. Father C.R.C. was never seen by other than members of his own Order, and they did not preserve a description of him. That his name was Christian Rosencreutz is most improbable, as the two were not even associated until the writing of the Chymical Nuptials. ..."
End of Mr. Hall's excerpt.
Picture: Mr. Hall's scepticism is understandable, but I have already made the case that C.R.C. was a real person and that he would have been prone to absolute secrecy, even waiting two centuries until the world would begin to be receptive. The witch hunts of the Catholic Church lasted what seemed like an eternity for those who were persecuted. Many have kept the scars to this day and have rejected Christianity in this life. Also, it is not necessarily the case that C.R.C. either went back to Germany or spent much time there. He could have gone to the Transylvania mountains. There, his Guru, the Cosmic Being, The Great Divine Director took up residence in a mansion/castle. He is also known as the Master R. He oversees the Divine Plan of everyone on earth. It is a very real possibilty that C.R.C. traveled a little south of Germany, through some of his most favorite topography on the planet, to be with his mentor and keep safe the future knowledge of Rosicrucian texts. He could have traveled back to Germany when it was time to lay his body down. |
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The Rakoczy Mansion and the Temple of the Maltese Cross. Retreats of the Great Divine Director and Saint Germain
"The Rakoczy Mansion is a focus of freedom in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, now a part of Romania. Resembling a medieval castle surrounded by woods, this physical focus remains hidden from the eyes of the world. Saint Germain came here before the sinking of Atlantis, carrying the freedom flame under the direct guidance of the Great Divine Director. Saint Germain reembodied here in later centuries, and under the guidance of his guru, rediscovered the flame that he had planted, and then built the Rakoczy Mansion. Here he entertained the heads of state of the European nations, taught the science of alchemy, attempted to unite Europe and expand the freedom flame in the hearts of the people.
The flame room in the center of the mansion seats approximately one hundred persons. It is a rectangular room having entrances at either end, the altar being on the long side of the room with a platform and podium for the officiating hierarch, and the freedom flame in shades of violet blazing on the altar behind the speaker. The physical focus is today for the most part inactive, yet the flame continues to blaze there upon the altar.
Saint Germain has transported archives, paintings and collections from this retreat to his focus in the Cave of Symbols [Tetons]. However, just over the House of Rakoczy in the etheric realms, he has recently built an etheric temple in the shape of a Maltese cross. This is a permanent focus of the flame of freedom on behalf of the millions of lifestreams who yearn to drink deeply of the draught of freedom and to taste the elixir of immortal life that has become a legend as the famed fountain of eternal youth, which was sought after by Ponce de Leon and the explorers who came to the New World.
The Great Divine Director has described some of the activities of this retreat: “I am the founder of the House of Rakoczy. And in our mansion in Transylvania, where there has been established on the etheric plane a sacred Temple of the Maltese Cross, there are enshrined records of past civilizations of glory and blueprints for a golden age to come. Some of you have journeyed to that retreat in past embodiments when Saint Germain acted as host, and you came in physical bodies to be entertained there by the Wonderman of Europe, my disciple and your Knight Commander.” From The Masters and their Retreats, by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, compiled by Annice Booth, pp. 455 and 456.
"The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkreutz." First two parts or "days" are read.
Four hundred years ago the Rosicrucian manifestos were hand written. And then Landgrave Moritz of Kassel published them. They then became dangerous.
"But why did these small books – ten by fifteen centimetres in size – represent such a threat to the ruling circles and why did Landgrave Moritz print them? The two writings had acted like a “spiritual thunderbolt” said Prof. Ludolf von Mackensen in his lecture at the conference. The manifestos had been translated into five languages. They spread because they brought to expression a general discomfort with the cultural, spiritual and political situation in Europe for which above all the rule of the Catholic Habsburg Monarchy was made responsible. This was countered by the Rosicrucians with their demand of a “general reformation”. What had been done by Martin Luther in the realm of the Church with his Theses and Reformation was now to be extended to the whole of life. But the “General reformation of the whole wide world”, as set out in the Fama and Confessio, had one particular characteristic: it included the renewal of human beings themselves.
The Rose Cross, Rudolf Steiner writes, represented in symbolic form the death of the “lower” and the resurrection of the “higher”. The third work of the Rosicrucians, the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, printed for the first time in Strasbourg in 1616, documents the intricate inner path of spiritual experience. In contrast to Christian mystics such as Jakob Böhme, the Rosicrucians decided to turn their eye first outwards to nature and then into their own interior. The “alchemist” wanted to see the “human spiritual being” with the cognitive forces which had been acquired in the “spiritual realm of nature”, as Rudolf Steiner puts it." 400 years of Rosicrucian writings, by Cornelie Unger-Leistner, Copyright 2015 News Network Anthroposophy Limited.
I would love to tie up Rosicrucianisn into a nice little package with ribbons forming a cross on top and a rose in the middle but I don't think I shall. Ha, that would be presumptuous of me to think I even could. Sometimes it's better not to explain mystical teachings. There are several reasons why the Great Mysteries from the past are an enigma. They were still burning people at the stake at the time of Francis Bacon. Another reason, there are censors down through the ages that change the original teachings. It is done at a conscious level and other times it's benign. Sometimes it's necessary to hide the Keys to the Kingdom. Some things on reincarnation in the Bible slipped through the censors awareness, because the references were too obscure. Other times it's just better to teach through allegory or parable. Some of the message will get through. Lastly, if you tell some one straight out, the truth, they may not believe you. On the other hand, if some of the Master's teachings are in a parable form, like Jesus' stories, then if they figure them out for themselves, the impact will be greater. Christian Rosenkreutz/Francis Bacon wrote in allegory. Very effective. The ardent student on the Path will figure it out, sooner or later.
Here's a nice insightful piece for your further sudy:
The Alchemical wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, Reflections on the Third Manifest
A new vision on our time With special reference to Sacred Geometry PDF
I think you get the big picture. Manly P. Hall above, summarised the events in C.R.C.'s life from Famas Fraternitas. You can read Confessio Fraternitatis here. The allegorical The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkreutz first two days are read above. You can read it in its entirety at these links; PDF or at Sacred Texts.
Also, the Kabbalah figures prominently in Rosicrucian teachings. It would be good to study that. You might check out an updated understanding from the point of view of the Masters: Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power by Elizabeth Clare Prophet w/ Patricia R. Spadaro and Murray L. Steinman. There's an Amazon link at the bottom of the page for the book. The symbol of the Kabbalah is the Sefirot. Someday those physicists exploring the new physics of geometry might consider studying the Sefirot. Notice the dates in the first paragraph. These overlap with the life of Roger Bacon. In his next life, C.R.C. could have easily come in contact with these teachings.
"Origins The mystical movement known as Kabbalah emerged in about 1200 in Provence, France. Kabbalah means literally “tradition.” It can also be translated as “receiving” or “transmitted teachings.” Kabbalah, therefore, means “tradition” in the sense that it claims to be another stage in the unbroken transmission of the Oral Torah going back to Sinai. Jewish mystics, however, have asserted that Kabbalah dates back to Adam. The Zohar is the first book to clearly delineate Kabbalistic thought. Written by the mystic genius Rabbi Moses de Leon (1240–1305), this text was once accepted in the canon of orthodox Jewish texts, equal in authority to the Bible and Talmud. Kabbalah built on Merkabah (a mystic path based on Ezekiel’s vision of God’s throne-chariot) and other forms of Jewish and non-Jewish mysticism. For example, Kabbalists began teach the concept of reincarnation. One of the most important Kabbalistic innovations was to give to the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures) an esoteric interpretation." Source © Kabbalah TSL Encyclopedia "Sefirot. In Jewish mysticism, the sefirot are the ten aspects of God’s being that manifest from Ein Sof. Ein Sof (literally, “without end”) is the term used to describe God prior to creation. Ein Sof is usually translated as “the Infinite.” It is the ultimate reality, the First Cause: unmanifest, incomprehensible, imperceptible and indescribable—the “divine nothingness.” The sefirot are names which God gave to himself, each part of himself having a specific name with a specific vibration that we could access through the universal “computer” of the mind of God. The sefirot bridge the gap between the finite creation and the infinite God. Kabbalists have used many synonyms for the sefirot including: emanations, vessels, lights, stages, pillars, garments and inner faces of God. Each name describes another aspect of the nature and function of the sefirot." "The Tree of Life. The term sefirot first appeared in the Sefer Yetzirah (the “Book of Formation” or the “Book of Creation”), the oldest known Hebrew text on cosmology. Tradition says that the priest Melchizedek revealed the teachings recorded in the Sefer Yetzirah to the patriarch Abraham, who either recorded them himself or transmitted them orally to his sons. Early Kabbalists made diagrams of the structure of creation as it progressed from Ein Sof down through the sefirot. The most common diagram is called the “Tree of Life.” Kabbalists conceived of many possible groupings of the sefirot within the Tree of Life. They also considered the creation of the cosmos to have resulted from the creation of language. Thus, they believed the twenty-two letters and sounds of the Hebrew alphabet were the instrument of creation itself. In addition to the ten sefirot, there is one “quasi sefirah,” which is sometimes described as a secret or hidden attribute. The power of thirty-three present in the Tree of Life derives from the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the ten sefirot and the one quasi sefirah." Text and picture © The Summit Lighthouse |
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Francis Bacon did not create a Rosicrucian Organization. Quite possibly he felt it was safer that way, for members and the teachings. He also would have known that that "Great Servitors" would step forward and add to the corpus of teachings. Even Saint Germain/Francis Bacon might have appeared, just before he ascended. The Comte de Gabalis appeared to the Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars around 1667 to 1670, to teach him all about elementals: the Sylphs of the Air, the Undines of the Water, the Gnomes of the Earth and the Salamanders of Fire. Saint Germain was probably adding the importance of knowing about and working with elementals to the grand design of Rosicrucianism.
"Observation of people who love the structure of flame constantly yields new deductions. Approaching Fire, we begin to discern the rhythm of energy, which produces all combinations. One should love this element with full understanding, in other words, with thoughts in harmony with space. If we are prepared to remain earthly gnomes let it be remembered that the best gnomes serve Fire. Thus one should understand that even the lowest consciousnesses are being drawn upward. Even fairy tales speak of gnomes who cannot exist without devotion to the Fiery Beings. Thus the ancients tried to inculcate fiery conceptions in the children's consciousnesses. Nowadays science, through the caloric theory and astrochemistry, gives the identical fairy tale about the Great Fire. But the exceptional character of the fiery manifestations still does not permit the average man to introduce the concept of Fire into his daily life, so that Fire remains within the confines of an undesirable abstraction. One must overcome this limitation; I speak as a physician. I affirm that, serving Fire, we can cross all dark abysses! If even flying machines need a special gas, how much more is the subtlest energy needed for uplifting the spirit!" Morya, Fiery World I, p. 27.
"Salamanders, as entities of the lower fire, cannot be very luminous. When I showed you a salamander I wished to give you a conception of the creatures of the fiery depths. I have already shown you the subterranean and submarine entities, but one must also know the amplitude of Fire. One can understand better the entire diversity of the Fiery entities when not only the Highest but also the lowest is perceived." Morya. Fiery World II. p. 28.
You can call to the heirarchs of the Elemental Kingdoms to help elementals bear the burden earth is saddled with. You can ask for a few or even a troop of elementals, some from each of the kingdoms. They will stay with you and obey your commands if you are heart centered. And they will remain as long as you tend and nurture them. Give them assignments according to the will of God. Invoke them for many purposes in your life includng the healing of your four lower bodies. When those who are higher up on the scale of hierarchy perceive your gentleness as well as your firmness and your ability to marshal the forces of the elemental kingdom for good works, they will begin to consider also becoming your obedient servants. You would be well on your way up the Rosicrucian spiral staircase of mastery. For more on elementals, go here: Elementals TSL's Encyclopedia.
Sir Francis Bacon had is eye on the New Atlantis across the ocean all the while. Elevating mankind in all that he did, was in preparation for a New Golden Age, the likes of which we haven't seen in over 12,000 years.
The Great Light. 19th century French lithograph depicting Francis Bacon
as the Supreme Master and President of the Brotherhood of the Golden Rose-Croix.
(from Building Paradise by Peter Dawkins; xvi)
As Mrs. Potts mentioned above, —remember Mrs. Potts? —to promulgate his plans, Bacon formed a small group of friends including Philip Sydney, Nicholas Bacon, Ben Johnson and John Dee. All were receptive to mystical ideas. And these ideas Francis was cultivating at a very young age. In 1583, one Giordano Bruno from Naples arrives in England and stays 2 years. It was a rocky beginning for the foreigner but he did manage to make some influential friends including Philip Sydney. Bruno was a scientist and a mystical philospher, but most importantly he was steeped in the traditions and mysteries of Egypt. He was well versed in the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. While in England, Bruno wrote The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, not with a Christian theme as the phrase implies (from Book of Revelations) but with Egyptian and Greek themes. He addressed this dialogue to Philip Sydney. Bruno wrote other works in England oftentimes connected to Sydney. No one has ever connected Bacon to Bruno or even Dee to Bruno but given Bacon's propensity for secrecy and ciphers, it is not out of the question that Francis Bacon would have included a friend of Philip Sydney into his esoteric circles, but kept it secret. His knowledge of Egyptian mysteries would have been most welcome and useful in forming the Freemasons. By the way, if you stll wonder why profound spiritual mysteries need to be closely guarded. Here's a good reason, one of the luminaries of the Renaissance age, Giordano Bruno on his return to Italy years later, was killed for his beliefs. The Catholic Church burned him at the stake for being a heretic.
Here is Dodd on the esoteric education of Bacon during his travels on the Continent and his stay in Paris:
Francis Bacon became initiated in secret and mystical Continental Orders which through persecution were virtually in a moribund state. He learned the ritual of the Mysteries and the solemnity of the ordeal through which the neophyte passed. He took part in the stately ceremonial of the Knights Templar. He studied the Jewish Cabala and obtained first-hand its peculiar knowledge. He sat at the feet of the men who knew how to write their secrets through the printed page that no one could trace unless he had been "taught to read." He saturated himself in Arabian lore and Egyptian mysticism. And he combined all this hidden wisdom with his own knowledge of Christian Ethics and the secret marks of the old operative masons, their grips and knocks and lodges that had so fascinated him when "The Temple" was built at Gorhambury. And he associated all this with the customs of the German Steinmetzin and the Medieval Guilds. Thus were the bases laid for the building of an ethical King Solomon's Temple which was to be upreared invisibly without the sound of hammer or chisel, where men could eventually moralize on working Tools and spiritualize a Building Plan. And the architect to evolve— out of the customs and cults of the ancient world, so rich in its symbolism of Natural Philosophy —a scheme that would have a more universal appeal for the sons of men ... was Francis Bacon. He it was who undertook to reorganize the Nature Myths with a new and more up-to-date interpretation, by rewriting the rituals of the ancient cults which should have as their basis ethics of universal application, morality devoid of credal dogmatism, the foundation stones being education, wisdom, charity, the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man. So the youth, while in France, who afterwards said he had "taken all Knowledge to be his Province" at once proceeded to rewrite the various Rituals of the Rosicrucian College that are practised today, and to create the Rituals of Freemasonry. But no one knew of this secret work at the time nor for many years later. The facts of history are plain. The Rosicrucian College and the Craft Degrees of Freemasonry were not in existence anywhere before Francis Bacon went to the Continent. This is stated very clearly by such a learned authority and Rosicrosse-Mason as De Quincey (see Rosicrucians and Free- masons, chap. n). Ibid. Dodd. p.104.
One of the greatest minds known to modern man got that way because he was a budding adept and studied endlessly. He had one of the greatest libraries of the time. And if there was some volume he might need, his friend John Dee had an equally impressive library. Bacon would spend hours there. On a side note, there is no record of Shakespeare having any library. He could barely write his own name let alone read a book. Bacon read Averroes, Avicenna and other Arabian and hermetic writers. He studied the ancient mysteries back as far as recorded history, those that the Church tried to snuff out. He imbued his writings with these arcane symbols and concepts. Here is part of a simple Sonnet:
When I see an Installation, too. I see even Solomon's Order—Commanders, Knights, Lords, Princess—a Temple for Hiram.
Peter Dawkins among others, has made the strong case that Shakespeare's plays are filled with references to masonry. Here is Mather Walker in 2008 on Shakespeare's First Folio (
THE MASONIC FIRST FOLIO, In the First Folio, on the page immediately after the title page, there is a dedication to the two Herbert brothers, William and Philip, who were close friends of Francis Bacon. This dedication is designed to show the basic Masonic nature of the First Folio. At the top of this dedication the word “most” above the word “and” is designed to spell out the word MASON. But it is important to realize also, that in addition to the tip off of “Mason” and "Brethren" at the top that The Dedication specifically refers to the Fellow Craft degree, i.e., to degree number 2 of the Ancient Craft, or Blue Lodge Masonry, in connection with William Shakspere. We see this about half way through the dedication: “so worth a friend & FELLOW, as was our SHAKESPEARE” “FELLOW” obviously refers to the title given the initiate in the 2nd, or Fellow Craft degree. Once this is realized the double letters (2’s, i.e., the “LL’s” and the “HH’s”) in have a special signification. This points to another allusion that his built into this highly cryptic dedication. The word “MASON” at the top is in a winding or spiral shape. In his “Symbolism of Freemasonry” Albert Mackey says there is only one legend that is attached to the Fellow Craft degree-the legend of the Winding Stairs to the Middle Chamber, and to the symbolic payment of the workmen’s wages. The We may infer from this that William Shakspere of Stratford on Avon had been inducted into Francis Bacon’s Masonic fraternity, and that he was a Fellow Craft. Perhaps the blood curling oaths in the ritual and his membership in the fraternity explains how it was possible to keep him from ‘spilling the beans’ about the conspiracy. This has a further allusion, the legend of the Winding Stair in Fellow Craft degree says that the Middle Chamber was where the Fellow Craft received his wages. What this tells us is that Shakspere was being paid for allowing Francis Bacon to use him as the ‘Shakespeare’ mask. The Masonic lodge was a model of the world. This follows since it was built in imitation of the Temple of Solomon, which was a model of the world. According to the legend of the Fellow Craft the Winding Stair (or spiral shaped) stair begins just after the candidate has passed within the Porch between the two pillars at the entrance, and it represents the rising of the candidate in world as he gather more and more knowledge of the whole world. It is interesting that in his essay, “Of Great Place”, Bacon said: “All rising to great place is by a winding staire” This is just another of several bits of evidence that shows Francis Bacon was the one who formulated the Masonic ritual. The number of steps of the Winding Stair in all systems has always been odd-three, five, and so on. ...
From Alfred Dodd's, The Shakespeare's Sonnet-Diary or the Personal Poems of Francis Bacon, 1931: The Masonic Headpiece placed at the Head of Shakespeare's Sonnets in 1723, the year Grand Lodge announced it's existence to the World The Freemasons emerged from their hiding places in 1723 and let the world know of their existence officially. In 1723-25 Alexander Pope and Dr. Sewell published "Shakespeare's Sonnets"(the Benson Medley Edition). The above illustration is the headpiece from it---a remarkable example of Masonic Symbolism. On the left is to be seen the Square and Compasses, the Mask, and the clasped book with the Pallette and brushes. There is also the special Cross "T's" of the Knight's Degree. In the centre are the Three Principals hailing the Sun. At the back of the third figure are the initials "F.B." On the right side are the organ pipes indicative of the "New Organ," (Novum Organum) with the Cock and Serpent of the Higher Christian Degrees. These same symbols were afterwards used in the tail-piece of Dr. Peter Shaw's edition of Francis Bacon's works. They distinctly show the connection between "Shakespeare's Sonnets" and the "Great Instauration" of Francis Bacon. The Creation and organization of the Ethical Brotherhood was in fact Part VI to which he says "all the rest are subservient," including the Shakespeare Plays, Part IV. I directly call the attention of the above symbolism to all Masonic Research Associations, and particularly the Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge of London who are investigating the Genesis and Origins of Freemasonry, noting also the same Symbolism on pages 273 and 267, as well as 43,44, 252, 257, 261, 263, 269, 274, 176 and the Ritual Contractions pp.278-287. In Francis Bacon is to be found the Secret of Freemasonry and the Origin of the Modern Mystery. The time is over-ripe for ALL Freemasons to know the Truth of their Craft. The Quatuor Coronati has hitherto neglected the ancient Elizabethan books. If the scholars will but search them they will find the Key-Stone. It is not too late to make that Stone which the Builders rejected THE HEAD OF THE CORNER. Source
"No reasonable doubt remains that the Masonic Order is the direct outgrowth of the secret societies of the Middle Ages, nor can it be denied that Freemasonry is permeated by the symbolism and mysticism of the ancient and mediæval worlds. Sir Francis Bacon knew the true secret of Masonic origin and there is reason to suspect that he concealed this knowledge in cipher and cryptogram. Bacon is not to be regarded solely as a man but rather as the focal point between an invisible institution and a world which was never able to distinguish between the messenger and the message which he promulgated. This secret society, having rediscovered the lost wisdom of the ages and fearing that the knowledge might be lost again, perpetuated it in two ways: (1) by an organization (Freemasonry) to the initiates of which it revealed its wisdom in the form of symbols; (2) by embodying its arcana in the literature of the day by means of cunningly contrived ciphers and enigmas." Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages. p. 548.
I think it is clear that Bacon is behind not only the elevation of culture and science, but also eminently concerned with feeding the souls of mankind. Most agree that the Rosicrucians started around 1607 and the Freemasons either shortly before that or soon after. But very few give Lord Bacon his due. Why? Two reasons; because of his birth and the need to keep esoteric teachings somewhat secretive at the time, he hid some of the truth. Even still, there is enough evidence out there for even the most die hard skeptic. This brings us to the esoteric underpinnings of this whole phenomena. Sir Fancis Bacon was the final embodiment of a soul whose long line of distinguished lives has unceasingly elevated a planet. The culmination of these incarnartions had earned him the office known as the avatar of the Aquarian Age which began around 2,000 years after the last avatar, Jesus Christ. An avatar always receives great opposition from both worldly forces and darker, sinister forces at astral levels. Do I need to remind anyone what Jesus faced and still does today? Sir Francis Bacon has had to face similar opposition both in that life and in his next mission. The denial of Christ in Jesus and Bacon is common. The best two ways of attacking an avatar are, discredit the messenger and then distort, dilute and delete their work. Bacon would not lie down nor be a door mat for opposing forces however. He was determined to return.
In every 2,000 year cycle, it is not uncommon for an ascended being to return to presage the way for the avatar. Elijah (who ascended in a "fiery chariot") returned as John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. Lord Bacon was given the dispensation to return in an ascended "Light" body to prepare the way for the Aquarian Age. He took the name that he would use as an ascended master, the Comte de Saint Germain. Sometimes it takes one person strategically placed to witness for posterity an important series of events in history. El Morya:
... many archives, including some that have already been studied, actually contain much of importance that has gone undiscovered. Archives such as those of the Duc de Choiseul, Goethe, and Stroganov contain valuable information, with many hints about the inner life of Our Brotherhood. We should be grateful to Madame Adhmar for the writings left by her. Without them much information about the activities of St. Germain would not have been known. One could wonder why the writings of Madame Adhmar were needed when We Ourselves could have made it all the clearer. But people value the testimony of contemporaries, and in the eyes of humanity such records are more substantial proof than Our anonymous information. Arabian records, and also those of Iran, should be studied. In those archives can be found many travel memoirs that clearly reveal why We speak so often about cooperation between peoples. Similar narratives, repeated in different ages by historic personages, offer vivid testimony to this. It is astonishing to see how the information about the Brotherhood was able to reach unexpected places. Such records can be found in Ireland, in Norway, and in Spain, where information was brought by seafarers from the East. Let the explorers not cease their quest, for unexpected discoveries await them! ... Supermundane III, 541.
Thanks to Madame d'Adhmar we have a record of Saint Germain's comings and going in 18th century Europe. How and when did he arrive on the scene? Here are Saint Germain's own words describing the end of his life as Sir Francis Bacon given in a dictation in May of 1955. It comes from my previous article Sir Francis Bacon, The Count of St. Germain, the Supernova of 1604 and the 800 Year Spiritual Cycle:
"Born to the throne of England, but denied its authority, my soul did weep in sorrow and frustration. Stirring within my consciousness was a "seed idea," born of the Father of Light, but not yet nourished and developed to the point where it might be efficaciously utilized by mankind. Yet, such is the confusion of the outer consciousness, that often by effort of human will such ideas are aborted or stillborn before their time. This wisdom of abiding in the will of the father (who will see that the fruit of his seeds matures at the right time) comes with suffering, with illumination and with grace. So I learned that the world brotherhood was not to be the outcome of a dynasty of human kings but of a spiritual bond of selflessness, impersonal service and shared vision at a later day. ...A great Master and dear friend, beloved Jesus, had been tempted, long before me, to accept a human throne in order to utilize the position of authority to further his teachings. He wisely rebuked the interceding advocate for temporal power. Long before his ministry, another (Lord Buddha) renounced an already secured throne to find the heart of God and embody the spirit of that heart for his fellowmen.It comes to every man in his time—an opportunity to relinquish all power and authority into the hands of the Father of Light. When the great surrender is made—then the VICTORY does come! I remember well when my call came! I remember the dreams, visions unfulfilled, hopes and plans resulting from communion with my maker, there remained yet ephemoral phantoms, some woven into words which would outlive the garment of flesh I wore (the Shakespearian classics, The New Atlantis, etc.).To leave all these dreams and plans unfulfilled was not an easy task. Yet, those far greater than I, looking upon the future with unbound eyes, recommended that I prepare to come HOME. Other souls, strong and true, promised to weave their life energies into completing the pattern of my free star!I remember yet how, after winding up my personal affairs as best I could, I left England and crossed the Channel. The rough and choppy seas and the heavy fogs brought to remembrance another crossing. Then only faith sustained us as we journeyed to the shores of the land where one day my vision would become fact.
The generous nobleman with graceful horses waiting on the shores of France, the long journey across the green fields, the snug villages, the more difficult mountain passes into Transylvania—these are all burned into my heart forever! The kind welcome of my host and friend, the enjoyment of the peaceful woodland, the soft bird song, the early spring flowers—all these tie my heart yet to dear "Mother Earth" and all who live upon her." The Bridge to Freedom Journal, Book 2; pp. 278 & 279
And so, after faking his death, Lord Bacon made his way to the Master R's secret retreat in Transylvania to make his ascension. Or as Manly P. Hall puts it: "While, as before stated, the principles of the Hiramic legend are of the greatest antiquity, it is not impossible that its present form may be based upon incidents in the life of Lord Bacon, who passed through the philosophic death and was raised in Germany." (op. cit., p.241). ... " Other souls, strong and true" mentioned above, ... were in place ready for [to] help in the 1700's. They were in his beloved Freemason and Rosicrucian Orders; they were heads of State: Louis XV (not to be confused with Louis XVI) of France, Frederick of Prussia and Catherine II of Russia; they were genteel members of the aristocracy: Madame de Pompadour, Prince Karl of Hesse, Madame du Barry and Madame d'Adhémar and they were in the Colonies: George Washington, Ben Franklin, Lafayette and many others.
"For almost 100 years after the ascension of my physical body, I prepared to be invested with the power and authority as the Chohan on the Seventh Ray. I prepared to be invested with cosmic authority as the directing consciousness of the new cycle of time. You will see all progress is in graded radiation, graded application and preparation of consciousness.
During my last earth life, I was privileged to come into contact with many Masters, some of whom were already ascended, others of whom were highly developed and evolved. Through their assistance I was able to use applications given and prepare myself to be free from the necessity of rebirth. At the close of the Earth life I went into Transylvania and there on the first of May, 1684, passed into the Ascended Master Octave. My personal ascension was completed in 1684, but the assumption of my office as Chohan of the Seventh Ray was completed late in the 18th century, after my service to the cause of freedom in America and at the Court of France. When I assumed office as a Chohan, it was no longer possible for me to use my vital energy in the visitations, such as I had made to the crowned heads of Europe. Until this time, I had certain liberty to utilize my energies and endeavoring to form a United States of Europe and to persuade certain students of the occult and metaphysical laws that, if they would cooperate with the Hierarchy, a universal brotherhood could be established without bloodshed. With the exception of my endeavors through Napoleon Bonaparte, I no longer gave any personal service to the European governmental circles and my service to mankind became cosmic." op. cit., pp. 227, 228.
This may seem like a fantastic tale, except for the fact that many knew the Count and were a witness to his amazing abilities and demeanor. The extraordinary writer and philosopher Voltaire knew the Count. He had this to say about him, "a man who knows everything and never dies." Many were astonished at his lack of aging for over one hundred years. In reality, he never did die. Isabel Cooper-Oakley used Madame d'Adhmar diaries to write a book about the man who would not die:
"There appeared at the Court in these days and extraordinary man, who called himself Comte de Saint Germain. At first he distinguished himself through his cleverness and the great diversity of his talents, but in another respect he soon aroused the greatest astonishment. "The old Countess v. Georgy who fifty years earlier had accompanied her husband to Venice where he had the appointment of ambassador, lately met St. Germain at Madame de Pompadour's. For some time she watched the stranger with signs of the greatest surprise, in which was mixed not a little fear. Finally, unable to control her excitement, she approached the Count more out of curiosity than in fear. "'Will you have the kindness to tell me,' said the Countess, 'whether your father was in Venice about the year 1710?' "'No, Madame,' replied the Count quite unconcerned, 'it is very much longer since I lost my father; but I myself was living in Venice at the end of the last and the beginning of this century; I had the honor to pay you court then, and you were kind enough to admire a few Barcarolles of my composing which we used to sing together.' 'Forgive me, but that is impossible the Comte de St. Germain I knew in those days was at least 45 years old, and you, at the outside are that age at present.' "' Madame,' replied the Count smiling, 'I am very old.' "'But then you must be nearly 100 years old.' "'That is not impossible.' ..." The Count replied. The Count of Saint-Germain by Cooper-Oakley, pp. 27, 28.The first recorded creation of a masonic Grand Lodge was in London on June 24, 1717. The Count of Saint Germain according to Countess v. Georgy was already traveling around Europe in 1710. He used many aliases and could speak numerous languages as if he were a native. It would not be out of the question that he would be there for the founding of the Grand Lodge. I would be shocked if the founder of the Freemasons was not there in person for this event. The Count was everywhere in the 1700's setting up chapters. He did it for almost 100 years.
Meanwhile in Germany, Adam Weishaupt created the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. You might notice that is on the same day as Saint Germain's ascension day and the same year freedom comes to the Colonies. This is no accident, fallen angels in emodiment know at unconscious levels the importance of not only symbols but of cycles and dates. They are always trying to usurp the light and the initiation of cycles. Saint Germain is known as the God of Freedom. Guess which day the forces of anti-freedom, communism, chose as their celebration day—May 1. Back to Weishaupt, he also chose the name Illuminati because it implies a connection to higher beings such as Archangels, but the only tie they have to angels are fallen ones such as Lucifer. Soon after creating the Illuminati, Weishaupt decided to hide it in Freemasonry. What better place? Hence, the two strains of Masonry that has forever cursed Bacon's English branch of Freemasonry. George Washington knew of the infiltration but did not think it had reached the Freemasons in the U.S. yet. Thanks to a seeming act of God, in 1784, a lightning bolt struck an Illuminati messenger on horseback in Bavaria. Documents from Weishaupt to Illuminists in France that outlined a plan to foment the French Revolution were discovered. This bizarre event alerted John Robison:
Wikipedia on the Scottish physicist, inventor and philosopher John Robison (More on Robison here), author of Proofs of a Conspiracy :
"Towards the end of his life, he became an enthusiastic conspiracy theorist, publishing Proofs of a Conspiracy ... in 1797, alleging clandestine intrigue by the Illuminati and Freemasons (the work's full title was Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies). Robison and French priest Abbé Barruel independently developed similar views that the Illuminati had infiltrated Continental Freemasonry, leading to the excesses of the French Revolution. In 1798, the Reverend G. W. Snyder sent Robison's book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject in which he replied to him in his Letter to the Reverend G. W. Snyder" (24 October 1798). ... Wikipedia on John Robison
From George Washington to Reverend G. W. Snyder; Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798.
?Revd Sir: I have your favor of the 17th. instant before me; and my only motive to trouble you with the receipt of this letter, is to explain, and correct a mistake which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged, often, to write letters, have led you into. It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned. My occupations are such, that but little leisure is allowed me to read News Papers, or Books of any kind; the reading of letters, and preparing answers, absorb much of my time. With respect, etc." Source
Indeed, Bacon's plan for the New Atlantis across the pond was progressing nicely without any help from German Freemasonry. The Pilgrims had a brief flirtation with communism with dismal results. Indians helped them out which we celebrate as Thanksgiving. They switched from the free lunch program to pay as you go and everything worked fine after that. Down south near Philadelphia, Bacon's Rosicrucian teachings found their way to the banks of the Wissahickon. A descendent of these monks annointed the future first President with a spiritual blessing. The Count of Saint Germain himself made several appearances in the colonies. He was known as the "Professor" to George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and others. When the Declaration of Independence lay unsigned, he gave an electrifying speech that inspired the delegates to action.
Back in France he was not so lucky. He tried to accomplish the same thing in Europe with a United States there too. But he had to contend with the German Illuminist masons. Saint Germain, being an adept, knew Weishaupt's soul, but could not interfere because one, we all have freewill and two, there is always hope that a dark hearted individual could bend the knee and change their ways. Under the guise of Freemasonry this scheming group began to foment the downfall of France. They did so under the Masonic banner of Brotherhood, Fraternity and Liberté. But their true intent was chaos by unleashing the mob mentality. Tyranny and elements of communism was their goal. He tried to warn the King but was foiled at every attempt.
Years before the lightning bolt event, the Count knew what was about to transpire. He returned to Paris after several years absence: Madame d'Ahdamar had just told the Count of the loss of his friend King Louis XV:
"'I doubly regret this loss, both for myself and for France.'
"'The nation is not of your opinion; it looks to the new reign for its welfare.'
"'It is a mistake; this reign will be fatal to it.'"
"'What are you saying?' I replied, lowering my voice and looking around me."
"'The truth ... A gigantic conspiracy is being formed, which as yet has not visible chief, but he will appear before long. The aim is nothing less than the overthrow of what exists, to reconstruct it on a new plan. There is ill-will towards the royal family, the clergy, the nobility, the magistracy. There is still time, however, to baffle the plot; later, this would be impossible.'" op.cit. Cooper. p. 58.The King's adviser, the Comte de Maurepas who "detested" St. Germain, "hastened her [France's] ruin," by preventing the Count from intervening. In London, there was an assault on the queen as well, "a British expert on the French Revolution is claiming that the "evidence" of the queen's reputation for debauchery is a tissue of lies, thought up by London-based criminals intent on blackmailing the French royal family." Telegraph (UK), 9/30/06. There was a bizarre article in the Daily Mail recently (3/23/21) about a woman named Jeanne de Saint-Rémy. "Jeanne’s goal was to get Marie Antoinette’s attention and so she started telling people that she and the queen were ‘best friends’." She cooked up an elaborate scheme involving the Queen's necklace. This was a 647-diamond, 2,800-karat necklace designed for Louis XV’s last mistress Madame du Barry, which is worth over $16 million today. "The affair damaged Marie Antoinette’s reputation despite her innocence, with much of France convinced their monarchy ‘was a joke and should be destroyed’. In 2003, a historian called Jeanne ‘a catalyst of the French Revolution’ after Napoleon blamed her for ‘at least some of the chaos’, saying the queen’s death ‘must be dated’ from the Affair of the Necklace’." ibid. Knowing the Illuminati's vast reach it is probable that they made sure everyone in France knew about 'the affair of the necklace.'
The Count's plans for Europe were thwarted by deception within masonry. Those with a narrow view of history blamed Freemsonry and even the Comte de Saint Germain himself for France's debacle. Once again, El Morya:
The ignorant assert that We provoke revolutions and sedition, but actually We have tried many times to prevent murder and destruction. Brother Rakoczy [Saint Germain] himself fulfilled the highest measure of love for humanity and was rejected by those whom He tried to save. His actions were recorded in well-known extant memoirs, but still certain liars call him the father of the French Revolution. ... it is Our duty to warn the nations. ... Eventually, people will recall and compare the facts. One can mention events from the history of various countries, recall Napoleon, the appearance of the Advisor to the American Constitutional Convention, ... Supermundane I. 1938
The confusion over masonry persists. You'll notice that Dan Brown's book is replete with satanic type masonic rituals. If true, these came from the Illuminist infiltration in Europe. As Morya alluded to above, the Count briefly tried to turn around the damage done in France by working with Napoleon but the little general's ego got in the way. He was probably contacted by the Count inside the Pyramid at Giza:
The inner sanctum of the Pyramids drew Napoleon in, like so many before him and since. After exploring the chambers of Khufu's Great Pyramid, Napoleon requested to be left alone in the King's Chamber. When he finally emerged, he is reported to have been extremely shaken and shocked by something within. When asked what had happened, he refused to discuss it and insisted that the incident never be spoken of again. A friend, who visited Napoleon in his final days, asked him to tell him the secret of that day. Napoleon was ready to speak, but then shook his head and declined. Enigmatically, he responded, 'No, what's the use. You'd never believe me.' ... Source
I doubt if Napoleon's vibration was high enough to receive an adept who moments before was in a Himalayan retreat. The Kings Chamber however would have elevated his consciousness somewhat but not nearly enough. Every fiber of his being was shaken. Maybe someday we'll learn what Saint Germain said and did in there.
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Fulfilling that vow, he retreated once again until it was time to contact an old friend on the slopes of Mt. Shasta. Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism had fulfilled their purpose it was time for an updated message. After the I AM Movement, there was a Bridge and then The Summit.
And what of the bad seed in masonry, the Illuminati? They are not as effective as they once were. It's where these individuals have reincarnated that should be the greatest concern. You will know them my their tactics and fruits. They will gravitate towards economic institutions, power and the control of people's (and children's) minds always pushing their agenda of global controls, socialism and communism. They are not above using chaos to achieve their Machiavellian ends. They've done it before.
The End.
by William C. House
Editor, Reverse Spins
"The Comte de St.-Germain and Sir Francis Bacon are the two greatest emissaries sent into the world by the Secret Brotherhood in the last thousand years. The principles disseminated by the Comte de St.-Germain were undoubtedly Rosicrucian in origin and permeated with the doctrines of the Gnostics. The Comte was the moving spirit of Rosicrucianism during the eighteenth century ..." Manly P. Hall's Intro: Part One: The Man Who Does Not Die to The Most Holy Trinosophia by Comte de Saint-Germain
Once a French nobleman said to St. Germain, "I cannot even begin to understand the nonsense that surrounds you!" St. Germain answered, "It is not difficult to understand my nonsense if you will give it the same attention you give to your own, if you will read my reports with the same attention you give to the list of dancers at the court. But the problem is that the order of a minuet is of greater importance to you than the safety of the planet." In these words is contained the tragedy of our times. We find time without limit for all kinds of petty activities, but we do not find an hour for the most vital. Agni Yoga, 451.
Other pages of interest at Reverse Spins:
Sir Francis Bacon Links:
- Sir
- Francis Bacon Research Trust
I recommend two books by Peter Dawkins from here: Building Paradise: The Freemasonic and Rosicrucian Six Days' Work
AND Francis Bacon, Herald of the New Age
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