Reverse Spins

Communist Cannibals-10/15 The horrors of China’s Cultural Revolution are an urgent warning to us. ...

China carries out 'total Taiwan blockade' drills, with its military completely surrounding the island after government vowed to resist any Beijing attack-10/14

Drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by 'mother ship' UFO, claims top Pentagon official-10/15

Harris plans to legalize recreational marijuana and create 'forgivable' loans for black entrepreneurs in bid to get black men out to vote-10/14 DEI and affirmative action on steroids.

Democrats have a man problem, and belittling them is only making it worse-10/15

Desperate Kamala 'turns to Joe Rogan podcast' in bid to win over men-10/15

Noncitizens Will Vote In November, The Only Question Is How Many?-10/15

Arizona Will Allow Over 200,000 People With Unconfirmed Citizenship to Vote-10/13

DOJ Sues Virginia Over Enforcement of 2006 Law Removing Noncitizens from Voter Lists-10/12

Poll: Americans Underestimate Joe Biden’s Migrant Inflow-10/14

Major breakthrough for Elon Musk's SpaceX as rocket booster successfully lands on metal 'chopsticks': 'What we just saw is magic-10/13

Assaults on NYPD officers soar to ‘unprecedented levels’ — with cops giving potential reasons behind disturbing trend: ‘It’s open season’-10/12

Iconic city (Mempnis) with vibrant music scene is now the most dangerous place to live in America-10/12

Kamala Harris Makes Pledge to Latino Voters to Welcome, Grant Amnesty for Millions of Migrants-10/11

Kamala Harris received poor marks for leadership as a lawyer in San Francisco, documents reveal-10/11

NEW: Democrat Lawmakers Signal They Won't Certify Election If Donald Trump Wins-10/11

Catherine Herridge Spills the Tea on CBS Over Kamala Interview Editing Scandal-10/10

Former CBS staffers call for 'outside investigation' into '60 Minutes' controversy: 'There's a problem here'-10/11

Freedom of Association and Cancel Culture-10/10 Mises Institute

Biden raged over DOJ going after Hunter, blames Obama for Russian invasion of Ukraine and other bombshells revealed in Woodward book-10/10 He's referring to the surrender of Crimea. Not mentioned, Obama's mother and grandfather had connections with the CIA. Obama is elected and puts 21 CIA substations in Ukraine.

Democrats Panic After Georgia Election Board Subpoenas ALL 2020 ELECTION RECORDS from Fulton County – Liz Harrington Weighs In -10/10

Inflation rises 2.4% in September, above expectations-10/10

Global warming is NOT surging, scientists say - despite record-breaking temperatures-10/15

It’s time to talk about the rumors regarding Tim Walz and teen boys-10/15

EXCLUSIVE: Biden-Harris Admin Paves Way For Bureaucrats To Take Gender-Confused Kids From ‘Non-Affirming’ Parents-10/15

Feds Admit: Child Sex Trafficking Reports Triple under Harris and Biden-10/15

New York Times Admits Kamala Harris Plagiarized, Claims Passages Were ‘Not Serious’-10/15 When you take short cuts to get ahead, like sleeping with the boss or affirmative action, aren't you kind of forced to plagiarize and lie to stay ahead?

Kamala delivers new baffling word salad involving constellations and crime, gets dubbed ‘Galileo Harris’-10/15

Vivian Kubrick, Daughter of Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, Weighs in on President Trump’s Use of Footage from Full Metal Jacket in His Latest Video… YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS-10/14

JD Vance and Trump Surrogates Are Making the Sunday Shows 'Must-See TV'-10/14

New Cancer Treatment Protocol Featuring ‘Horse Dewormer’ Ivermectin, ‘Dog Dewormer’ Fenbendazole, and Mebendazole Passes Peer Review, Marking Potential Breakthrough in Therapy-10/14

Purple-Haired DEI Trainer Attacks Oregon Department of Forestry for ‘Merit-Based Hiring,’ Gets Boss Suspended for Choosing Qualified Candidates-10/14

Christopher Columbus 'was Jewish and Spanish' study finds following the discovery of the famous explorer's remains 500 years after his death-10/13

‘SNL’ Roasts ‘Raised Middle-Class’ Kamala Harris in ‘Family Feud’ Cold Open: ‘The Whole World’s Laughing at Her’-10/13

Social media goes into meltdown as Saturday Night Live destroys Kamala Harris: 'It's over. The Democrats have lost SNL'-10/13

SURPRISE! The ‘Real Men’ in the Cringe-Inducing Kamala Harris Ad Are ACTORS-10/13

UH OH: Kamala Harris Caught Happily Mingling With Terror-Loving Iranian Regime Operative-10/13

Left-Wing PAC Makes Cringey ‘Man Enough’ Ad to Bring Male Voters to Kamala — and It Backfires Terribly-10/11

Armies of zombie addicts, spiralling death rates and once vibrant streets turned into no-go zones: JONATHAN BROCKLEBANK looks at the terrifying glimpse of what really happens when Portland abandons the war on drugs and how Glasgow could follow-10/12

Pentagon's secret UFO data retrieval program 'Immaculate Constellation' revealed for first time in new whistleblower report-10/10

Mysterious 'doorway' in Antarctica is discovered on Google Maps - as baffled viewers suggest it could be Bigfoot's vacation home or a shuttle from Star Trek-10/15

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New: The Classic Art of the Summit Light House-10/15 I wrote this 1 1/2 years ago for the Summit Lighthouse but they have been too busy and can't find a place for it as well, so here it is. Wm
From Facebook:
This is probably the best answer I've ever heard to the question,
Why did God create evil? The answer struck me to the core of my soul!
A professor at the university asked his students the following question:
- Everything that exists was created by God?
One student bravely answered:
- Yes, created by God.
- Did God create everything? - a professor asked.
“Yes, sir,” replied the student.
The professor asked :
- If God created everything, then God created evil, since it exists. And according to the principle that our deeds define ourselves, then God is evil.
The student became silent after hearing such an answer. The professor was very pleased with himself. He boasted to students for proving once again that faith in God is a myth.
Another student raised his hand and said:
- Can I ask you a question, professor?
"Of course," replied the professor.
A student got up and asked:
- Professor, is cold a thing?
- What kind of question? Of course it exists. Have you ever been cold?
Students laughed at the young man's question. The young man answered:
- Actually, sir, cold doesn't exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is actually the absence of heat. A person or object can be studied on whether it has or transmits energy.
Absolute zero (-460 degrees Fahrenheit) is a complete absence of heat. All matter becomes inert and unable to react at this temperature. Cold does not exist. We created this word to describe what we feel in the absence of heat.
A student continued:
- Professor, does darkness exist?
— Of course it exists.
- You're wrong again, sir. Darkness also does not exist. Darkness is actually the absence of light. We can study the light but not the darkness. We can use Newton's prism to spread white light across multiple colors and explore the different wavelengths of each color. You can't measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into the world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you tell how dark a certain space is? You measure how much light is presented. Isn't it so? Darkness is a term man uses to describe what happens in the absence of light.
In the end, the young man asked the professor:
- Sir, does evil exist?
This time it was uncertain, the professor answered:
- Of course, as I said before. We see him every day. Cruelty, numerous crimes and violence throughout the world. These examples are nothing but a manifestation of evil.
To this, the student answered:
- Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist for itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is like darkness and cold—a man-made word to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not faith or love, which exist as light and warmth. Evil is the result of the absence of Divine love in the human heart. It’s the kind of cold that comes when there is no heat, or the kind of darkness that comes when there’s no light.
The student's name was Albert Einstein.
It may not have been Einstein but it doesn't matter.

American Homer-10/1 City Journal, by Luke Nicastro; Celebrating the bicentenary of historian Francis Parkman, who produced a picture of America’s origins that remains unsurpassed--
Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech to the American Historical Association. The former president—himself a historian of no small talent—was dismayed by the specialization and dry scientism even then overtaking the discipline and addressed his remarks toward the possibility of “history as literature.”
Historians, he argued, were not just compilers of dusty facts; they were, or should be, artists. Their task was to turn the undigested data of the past into something splendid and imperishable, in the same way that Michelangelo wrested transcendence from a block of marble. An aesthetic sense was necessary to accomplish anything meaningful: “vast and fundamental truths,” Roosevelt warned, “can be discerned and interpreted only by one whose imagination is as lofty as the soul of a Hebrew prophet.”
Roosevelt’s exhortations did little to stem the discipline’s decline. Today’s historians tend to be minutiae-obsessed academics writing for other academics, or else outright propagandists who despise the past (and sometimes both). Far from uncovering “vast and fundamental truths,” their work too often concerns the topical, the trendy, and the tedious. More >>>

Visions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 4 Mystical Messages to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque-6/14 EWTN Great Britain, ...
Second Revelation: July 2, 1674 – Feast of the Visitation St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: “The Divine Heart was presented to me in a throne of flames, more resplendent than a sun, transparent as crystal, with this adorable wound. And it was surrounded with a crown of thorns, signifying the punctures made in it by our sins, and a cross above signifying that from the first instant of
His Incarnation…” “My Divine Master revealed to me that it was His ardent desire to be known, loved and honored by men, and His eager desire to draw them back from the road to perdition, along which Satan is driving them in countless numbers, that induced Him to manifest His Heart to men with all the treasures of love, mercy, grace, sanctification and salvation that It contains.” “This Heart of God must be honored under the form of His heart of flesh, whose image He wanted exposed, and also worn on me and on my heart. “He promised to pour out into the hearts of all those who honor the image of His Heart all the gifts it contains in fullness, and for all those who would wear this image on their persons He promised to imprint His love on their hearts and to destroy all unruly inclinations. “Everywhere this holy image was exposed to be honored, He would pour fourth His graces and blessings. This blessing was, as it were, a final effort of His love. He wanted to bestow upon men during these final centuries such loving redemption in order to snatch them from the control of Satan, whom He intended to destroy.” ...

Francis Bacon's Private Manuscript Notebook (Known as the Promus of Formularies and Elegancies) The Source of Several Hundred Resemblances, Correspondences and Parallels Found Throughout his Shakespeare Poems and Plays-6/2

On this day in history, May 2, 1611, King James Bible published, helped fuel revolution in American colonies-5/2 Fox News

Francis Bacon and James 1st Bible-5/2

Edgar Cayce and Atlantis by Debbie Elliott-8/14 Hermes Risen,
... “Be it true that there is the fact of reincarnation, and that souls that once occupied such an environ (meaning Atlantis), are entering the earth’s sphere and inhabiting individuals in the present, is it any wonder that-if they made such alterations in the affairs of the earth in their day, as to bring destruction upon themselves-if they are entering now, they might make changes in the affairs of peoples and individuals in the present.” (364-1)
... “In Atlantis when there were turmoils between children of Law of One and the sons of Belial, found Sons of Belial desirable for gratification of material emotions and desires.” (3376-2)
... “The gratifying, the satisfying, the use of material things for self, without thought or consideration as to the sources of such nor the hardships in the experience of others. Or, in other words, as would term it today, they were those without a standard of morality. The Sons of Belial had no standard, save of self, self-aggrandisement.” (877-26)
... “that the soul was given by the Creator or entered from outside sources into the projection of the mental and spiritual self at the given periods. That was the standard of the Law of One but was rejected by the Sons of Belial.” (877-26) ...

After death, you’re aware that you’ve died, say scientists-8/14

Amazon's new invention could let you “speak” to the dead — but should it?-8/14

Secrets of the Golden Age Prince: Francis Bacon

Paperback – August 1, 2024
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Author)
Pre-order $21.95
From Amazon: This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon’s biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but pushing further to ask: Did his vision for the ages, the Great Instauration, die with him?
The premise of the fine, foregoing biographies has been to discern and explain the secrets of a great, historic personality, perhaps the world’s greatest genius, from a fixed birthdate to a fixed date of death. The less conventional premise of this book is to explain the context of the life of the person, Francis Bacon, as one crucial chapter within a long continuity of lifetimes, yet unending.
Francis, and those closest to him, manifested the beginning of the Great Instauration in the form of an extraordinary array of civilization-building services, sacrificially, under persecution, for the love of humanity and the latent divinity within the people. Francis’ conclave of literary men saw themselves as brothers, demonstrating a constructive vision and true charity, outside the churches which had suppressed as heresy what the people needed to know about nature and themselves.
How did twelve-year old Francis see the need and then generate the beneficial concept of the Great Instauration, meaning the restoration of a golden age of abundance, a paradise lost? This would require prior knowledge and likely actual engagement in such a civilization. Why was it lost? Why did he persevere under Job-like trials to produce a legacy of enlightenment he knew would only bear fruit long after his passing? And, is a soul of this magnitude lost forever to humanity at his passing? None of these questions can be answered entirely by original source documents, especially when for safety’s sake Francis deliberately hid or obscured the records of that lifetime.
To answer the questions, the scope of Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s biography of Francis Bacon honors the existing body of documented research and then necessarily expands the lens of discovery to summarize a continuous chain of prior lives, the lifestream of this soul.
Editor: I'm reading it now. Will review it when done

Secret Bacon-Shakespeare Links - Bacon Verses, Shakespeare First Folio & The Stratford Monument

New book sheds light on the historical mystery of Rennes-le-Château in France Breakthrough solutions to one of the great unsolved enigmas of our times-10/31 By: Ignotum Press, MANCHESTER, U.K. - PRLog.
-- A newly released book, The Map and the Manuscript: Journeys in the Mysteries of the Two Rennes by Simon M. Miles, offers startling new insights into the fascinating enigma of the Affair of Rennes-le-Château. The subject of a string of best-sellers over the years, from The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1981) by Lincoln, Baigent and Leigh, to one of the biggest novels of all time, The Da Vinci Code (2003) by Dan Brown, the mystery has given rise to literally hundreds of books, documentaries and movies, but until now, many questions at the heart of the Affair have remained unsolved.
Author Simon M. Miles describes his new book:
"The riddle of Rennes-le-Château has fascinated me ever since I watched a BBC documentary on the subject as a teenager in the 1970s. Later, I spent over twenty years investigating this extraordinary nest of puzzles, including five years living in a local village close to the area. In The Map and the Manuscript, I present the results of my work, including new and compelling breakthrough solutions to some longstanding problems which have intrigued readers and researchers for decades."
The story was first brought to wide public attention in the late 1960s in France with the publication of The Gold of Rennes (1967) by Gérard de Sède. It told the story of a priest in the tiny village of Rennes-le-Château in the Languedoc in the late 19th century who discovered something during renovations to his 9th century church, dedicated to Mary Magdalene, that led him to immense wealth.  ...

Editor: There are two very good reviews at the Amazon link. One of them is by Christina Waldman who sent me an email and heads-up about this book. Thanks Christina. And as the second reviewer says, this book "contains everything I love: secrets, cryptography, puzzles, riddles, geometry, wordplay and more." ...
Man, I have to stop buying books on Templars, Cathars, Bacon, Rosicrucians, etc, but not yet. I think I'm going to have to get this Kindle edi

Shakespeare's Holy Grail: The Ancient Secret Revealed (The Poisoned Chalice) Paperback – June 30, 2022, by Paul Hunting.
Amazon description: In this refreshingly iconoclastic work, author Paul Hunting goes on a quest to investigate the theory of whether William Shakespeare was far more than just 'the Bard.' What if he was a spiritual master with a direct line to the divine and all the plays were connected by a single golden thread? What if all the great characters were not just characters, but also characterisations of the core archetypes of human consciousness? What if all the plots were not so much about the outer world of matter and material, but the inner world of spirit? What if his final play, The Tempest, was placed first in the folio because it was both a foreshadowing and a denouement that summed up the subtext of all the other plays? What if Shakespeare was part of that great covert underground movement of artists and sages that knew there was something awry in the religions and did all they could subliminally to (a) subvert and undermine the authority, corruption, and tyranny of Church and Crown and (b) reveal the truth those in power do not wish us to know? Shakespeare's Holy Grail helps awaken us to profound depths of spiritual enlightenment and probe deep into our own souls.

Is The Holy Grail Hidden In The Works Of William Shakespeare?-7/6 The London Economic, by Timothy Arden;
According to new research, the elusive Holy Grail may have finally been discovered … encoded within the plays of William Shakespeare. Indeed, one of hundreds of subtle references the Bard seemingly makes to the Holy Grail could be the ‘Poisoned Chalice’ prophesied by Macbeth to bring about his ultimate downfall.
Shakespeare expert Paul Hunting has spent nearly a decade analysing the Bard’s most famous plays. His bestselling new book, Shakespeare’s Holy Grail: The Ancient Secret Revealed, focuses on three of them: Macbeth, Hamlet and The Tempest. In order to perceive what he believes are hidden spiritual meanings within, Hunting asks radical unorthodox questions such as, ‘Is Macbeth the story of how Satan was defeated by Christ?’ ‘Is Hamlet the story of how Christ defeated Satan?’ He firmly believes the answer is ‘yes’, and that these plays contain a multi-layered code that reveals secret spiritual teachings, the true ‘Holy Grail’, dating back thousands of years.
The Holy Grail may finally have been discovered… hidden in William Shakespeare’s plays, experts revealed yesterday. Popularly believed to have been the chalice that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper, the sacred relic has been searched for since the Middle Ages. The elusive object, which according to tradition was also used to collect Christ’s blood at the Crucifixion, is said to hold mystical powers and its whereabouts has preoccupied generations of amateur and professional academics alike. But despite this, the Holy Grail has never been found. According to a new theory, however, the fabled artefact may not be a cup at all but the key to a collection of radical spiritual teachings shared by Jesus that have been supressed for nearly 2,000 years. And, it is claimed, this “forbidden knowledge” has been right under our noses for centuries, locked away within the 37 plays of William Shakespeare. ...

The Great Light. 19th century French lithograph depicting Francis Bacon as the Supreme Master and President of the Brotherhood of the Golden Rose-Croix. (from Building Paradise by Peter Dawkins; xvi)

Editor: The reason Shakespeare was "secretly, one of our most profound spiritual masters," is because he was Sir Francis Bacon. It's odd that the author Paul Hunting does not say this outright. If he cracked all of Bacon's code, he would have known this. Maybe it's somewhere in the book, I haven't read it yet. Also, it seems he has an incomplete understanding of the Holy Grail. No matter, this is a valuable addition to the Shakespeare/Bacon/St. Germain corpus. You can read more about Bacon, the  Brotherhood of the Golden Rose-Croix and Freemasonry directly below.


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The 100 Greatest Spiritual Books of All Time. Reverse Spins,
Greatest means the higher truths as well as the greatest impact on the world, a nation, population or the youth. As with any list of this kind, there are going to be 5 to 10 books that you think should be on this list. We may even agree with you. If so, we are going to have to subtract an equal number of books.
We will get to the great historical works, but we’d like to begin with the year 1875, when the Ascended Masters stepped forward for the first time in a very, very long time. They were preparing the world for the Aquarian Age and the new hierarch for the next 2,000 years, Saint Germain.
The year of 1875 was a pivotal year in spiritual history and astrology. This was the time that the old Occult Law was able to be set aside and all seekers on earth received a great gift of freedom and enlightenment. Previously, these teachings were only available in mystery schools for worthy disciples. Key spiritual teachings started to be released in the late 1800’s and then accelerated in the 1930’s and ever since. You will find many of these treasures here. We begin then, with Theosophy and three of their best:
1. The Secret Doctrine, the one, the only, the classic, but a difficult read. 
2. The Masters and the Path, by C.W. Leadbeater. Great teachings from Leadbeater and the masters.
3. The Mahatma Letters, by A.P. Sinnett. Learn how intimate the masters can be. ... >>> More

The Greatest Story Never Told: How the Knights Templar created Europe's first nation-state and a home for the Grail-6/29 View Zone review of Freddy Silva's book.
In 1159 the first king of Portugal, Afonso Henriques, placed a mysterious seal on a charter that awarded the Knights Templar one third of his new, hard-won territory -- an extraordinary move for a new monarch. On this strip of land the Templars would erect they most famous and lasting monuments: the Mother of All Churches dedicated to Mary Magdalene, and a rotunda with no door; visitors accessed the interior of the building via a secret chamber used for the investiture of new knights, or to administer the inner brotherhood's most secret rite, the 'raising of the dead'.  The king of Portugal's seal on the Charter of Ceras awarding the Templars a third of the country. But why does it read PORTUG-R-AL ? The king's seal contains an anagram and reveals why the Templars were awarded this territory and why they patiently waited forty years to receive it. Secret societies love their symbols because, just like parables, to the casual viewer they convey one message while to the initiate of the Mysteries they conceal another.
At first sight the seal with its scrambled letters form the word PORTUGAL. To the esoteric reader it reveals something altogether deeper, an added R, PORTU-GRAL. But to an initiate it reads, in Portuguese, POR TU O GRAL: "Through You The Grail." Is it possible the Templars inherited one-third of Portugal under unusual circumstances and there deposited their most famous artifact?
To understand how we got to this point we must first return to the moment when the Templars became an official order. In 1118 a new king of Jerusalem was chosen, Baudoin de Bourcq. Barely had Baudoin gotten used to his newly appointed seat when he received a visit from Hugues de Payen and Godefroi de Saint-Omer, as though the two proto-Templars were presenting their credentials. Whatever Hugues and Godefroi pitched the new king it sold him, and soon after, a small, close-knit group of knights moved into premises on Temple Mount to became officially known as the Knights Templar.
This is the official historical record. But new evidence shows that, seven years earlier, the Templars were already present and materially active in another land two thousand miles to the west, and through their intervention, this secret endeavour became their greatest accomplishment -- the creation of Europe's first independent nation-state.
It's the close of the 11th century. There is no France, no Spain, and the German states are largely under the tutelage of the Holy Roman Empire. After riding west to help the Castillian king reclaim his lands from the Moors, a knight named Henri of Burgundy inherits the Atlantic port city of Porto Cale and its surrounding territory -- the small county of Portucale -- whereupon Henri changes his name, in Portuguese, to Count Dom Henrique. He had barely time to enjoy his new status when he was asked to set sail for Jerusalem, arriving just after its conquest by Crusaders. Little did Dom Henrique know that his decision to sail to Palestine would mark a pivotal moment in the history of his newly-acquired land, for the people he'd meet in Jerusalem would one day shape the destiny of his tiny territory. ...

Ghosts of Atlantis: How the Echoes of Lost Civilizations Influence Our Modern World Paperback – April 6, 2021 by J. Douglas Kenyon
Doug Kenyon's latest book from the pages of his popular Atlantis Rising magazine. Here is the Amazon write-up:
An intensive investigation into the evidence for a forgotten fountainhead of civilization lost at the end of the last ice age
• Reveals evidence of advanced ancient technology, anomalous ancient maps, time travel, crystal science, ancient Armageddon, and Atlantis in the Bible
• Explores the true age of the Sphinx, the Stone Age high-tech found at Gobekli Tepe, the truth of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), the Zep Tepi monuments of Egypt, the mysteries of the Gulf of Cambay, and what lies beneath the ice of Antarctica
• Examines the advanced knowledge of the ancients and how the search for Atlantis and other lost worlds reflects the search for the lost soul of humanity
We live within the ruins of an ancient civilization whose vast size has rendered it invisible. Remembered in myth as Atlantis, Lemuria, or other lost world archetypes, the remains of this advanced civilization have lain buried for millennia beneath the deserts and oceans of the world, leaving us many mysterious and inexplicable clues.
Investigating the perennial myth of a forgotten fountainhead of civilization, J. Douglas Kenyon presents extensive physical and spiritual evidence of a lost great culture, the collective amnesia that wiped it from planetary memory, and the countless ways ancient catastrophes still haunt modern civilization. He explores evidence of advanced ancient technology, anomalous ancient maps, extraterrestrial influence, time travel, crystal science, and the true age of the Sphinx. He examines evidence of Atlantis in the Bible and ancient Armageddon, the Stone Age high-tech found at Gobekli Tepe, the truth of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), the Zep Tepi monuments of Egypt, the mysteries of the Gulf of Cambay, and what lies beneath the ice of Antarctica. He looks at extinction events, Earth’s connection with Mars, and how our DNA reveals that humanity has had enough time to evolve civilization and lose it more than once.
Exploring the advanced esoteric and spiritual knowledge of the ancients, Kenyon shows that the search for Atlantis and other lost worlds reflects the search for the lost soul of humanity. Drawing upon Velikovsky’s notion of a species-wide amnesia caused by the trauma of losing an entire civilization, he reveals how the virtual ruins of a lost history are buried deep in our collective unconscious, constantly tugging at our awareness. As Kenyon reveals, by overcoming “the Great Forgetting,” humanity can find its way out of the haunted labyrinth in which we find ourselves lost today and rediscover the heights of spiritual and technological advancement of our ancient ancestors.


Christian Rosenkreutz

The Esoteric Origins of Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians and the Lost Symbols Of Ancient Egypt-4/14 By William C. House, Reverse Spins
"The critics can go to hell. We don't know half enough about Lord Bacon." —Frederich Nietzsche
From: The Real History of the Rosicrucians by Arthur Edward Waite [1887]
Quod utilius Deus patefieri sinet, quod autem majoris momenti est, vulgo adhuc latet usque ad Eliæ Artistæ adventum, quando is venerit. "God will permit a discovery of the highest importance to be made, it must be hidden till the advent of the artist Elias." In the first chapter of the same work, he says:--Hoc item verum est nihil est absconditum quod non sit retegendum; ideo, post me veniet cujus magnale nundum vivit qui multa revelabit. "And it is true, there is nothing concealed which shall not be discovered; for which cause a marvellous being shall come after me, who as yet lives not, and who shall reveal many things."
These passages have been claimed as referring to the founder of the Rosicrucian order, and as prophecies of this character are usually the outcome of a general desire rather than of an individual inspiration, they are interesting evidence that then as now many thoughtful people were looking for another saviour of society. At the beginning of the seventeenth century "a great and general reformation," says Buhle,--a reformation far more radical and more directed to the moral improvement of mankind than that accomplished by Luther,--"was believed to be impending over the human race, as a necessary forerunner to the day of judgment." ...
Was Christian Rosenkreutz a real person?
... I have come upon some new information that has changed my mind regarding the origins of Rosicrucianism. In some unpublished remarks of Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, they both stated that Saint Germain was Christian Rosenkreutz. Mark said it first. ECP said it again in 1996. Now it is possible, since Saint Germain was Sir Francis Bacon, that they meant Bacon wrote the Rosicrucian texts. But they didn't clarify that, they said he was Rosenkreutz.
Manly P. Hall did not believe Christian Rosenkreutz was a real person. On the other hand, the more intuitive Rudolph Steiner did. In fact, to his credit, Steiner recognized that the Count of Saint Germain is the avatar for the Aquarian Age. Other than an inner confirmation, the only proof he offers is the decorations and artwork in Karlštejn Castle outside of Prague built by Charles IV (1347-1378). Many, he says were inspired by Rosicrucian principles. ...

A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics-1/17 Quanta Magazine, By Natalie Walchover; Physicists have discovered a jewel-shaped geometric object that challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental constituents of nature.
Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. “This is completely new and very much simpler than anything that has been done before,” said Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University who has been following the work. The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic events in nature, may be consequences of geometry significantly advances a decades-long effort to reformulate quantum field theory, the body of laws describing elementary particles and their interactions. Interactions that were previously calculated with mathematical formulas thousands of terms long can now be described by computing the volume of the corresponding jewel-like “amplituhedron,” which yields an equivalent one-term expression.
“The degree of efficiency is mind-boggling,” said Jacob Bourjaily, a theoretical physicist at Harvard University and one of the researchers who developed the new idea.  ...


Turner Classic Movies adds 'sexist and racist content' warning to 18 movies, including Breakfast at Tiffany's, Psycho, Gone With the Wind and My Fair Lady-3/6 The list includes The Searchers and Stagecoach both of which made my list below. Editor

Another on my List: The Magnificent Seven now has a warning in the beginning titles like PG-13, only this one is labeled "OC." It means "Outdated Cultural Depiction."

Watch These Westerns Before Wokeness Cancels Them-1/7 Reverse Spins, by William House. I once read an article maybe 20 years ago about Russian Jews escaping the Bolsheviks in the early 1900's. Some of them settled in New Jersey. They got into the film making business where it was already thriving thanks to the likes of Thomas Edison and others. As a reaction to communism that they witnessed first hand, they focused on what they considered was good and noble in their new country. They chose to make Westerns. This medium could best express those ideals.
The way things are going, it is only a matter of time before Wokeness and the Cancel Culture targets Westerns.
Here then are the Westerns you should watch before Netflix, TNT and Amazon Prime make them disappear: ... More




Kamala? " ''Sound of Freedom' shocks at July 4th box office, beats woke 'Indiana Jones' sequel-7/8